SAP MM Material Management Training Tutorials

SAP PP PRT Customizing Table

SAP Production Planning Table for PRT Customizing are:

Table Description
TCF02 PRT categories
TCF03 Texts for the production resources/tools category
TCF04 Status of the PRT master
TCF05 Language-dependent text table for PRT status
TCF06 Field groups in the PRT master for reference
TCF07 Language-dependent texts for field groups in PRT master
TCF08 Assignment of PRT master fields to field groups
TCF10 PRT control key
TCF11 Language-dependent text table for PRT control keys
TCF12 PRT group key
TCF13 Language-dependent text table for PRT group keys

You can find more details about these topics in


Related SAP Tutorials

SAP PP Tables for Production Orders

A production order defines which material is to be processed, at which location, at what time and how much work is required. It also defines which resources are to be used and how the order costs are to be settled.

Table Description
AUFK Production order headers
AFIH Maintenance order header
AUFM Goods movement for prod. order
AFKO Order header data PP orders
AFPO Order item
RESB Order componenten
AFVC Order operations
AFVV Quantities/dates/values in the operation
AFVU User fields of the operation
AFFL Work order sequence
AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order(routing)
JSTO Status profile
JEST Object status
AFRU Order completion confirmations

SAP Order Planning tcodes

For Order Planning in SAP PP ,the main Transaction Codes are:

SAP Order Planning tcodes Description
OPL8 Order type parameters: Overview
OPK4 Confirmation Parameters
OPJJ Maintain Scope of Check
OPJK Maintain Control
OPKP Shop floor control profile
OPJH Order types production order
OPK8 Maintain print control prod. orders
OPK0 Confirmation Parameters PP
OPJ2 Production order stock determination
OPJB Specify system messages
OPJG Maintain Default Values
OPJ8 Maintain Operation Control Key
OPJF Automatic Selection
OPKA Maintain Movement Types
OPLE Strategy types: Batch determ. (prod)

SAP PM Main BAPI for Functional Location

Functional Location in SAP PM can be handled by the following SAP BAPI :

BAPI Description
BAPI_FUNCLOC_CHANGE Change Functional Location
BAPI_FUNCLOC_CREATE Create Functional Location
BAPI_FUNCLOC_GETDETAIL Read Functional Location
BAPI_FUNCLOC_GETLIST Read List of Functional Locations (with Internal Key)
BAPI_FUNCLOC_GETSTATUS Read (System-/User-) Status of Functional Location
BAPI_FUNCLOC_SET_LABEL_SYSTEM User-Dependent Setting of Current System Indicator

Check also

  • SAP PM Equipment Creation Explained – General Data (1)
  • SAP PM Main Tcodes: Most used and classified by Topics
  • List of SAP PM Main Tables ( Plant Maintenance ) grouped by PM Topics


SAP MM Material Management Training Tutorials for free of cost by SAP MM experts. SAP MM training material is designed to configure the SAP MM module in an easy way step-by-step.

SAP MM ( Material Management ) is one of the important modules in SAP ERP software and MM application module supports the procurement and inventory functions occurring in day-to-day business operations. This MM module contains many aspects such as purchasing, goods receiving, material storage, consumption-based planning, and inventory. SAP MM is integrated with other SAP modules such as Finance (FI), Controlling (CO), Sales and Distribution (SD), Quality Management (QM), Plant Maintenance (PM), Production Planning (PP), and Warehouse Management(WM).

SAP Tutorials

SAP MM training tutorials provides you everything implementation and end user level process step-by-step with screen shots. Support for your new job and projects

Please refer below SAP MM module course one by one in series.

  SAP Enterprise Struture

  1. Define Company
  2. Define Company Code
  3. Assign Company Code to Company
  4. Define Plant
  5. Assign Plant to Company Code
  6. Maintain Storage Locations
  7. Maintain Purchase Organisation
  8. Create Purchasing groups
  9. Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code 
  10. Assign purchasing organisation to reference purchasing organisation
  11. Assign Purchase Organization to Plant

MM Master Data

  1. Split Valuation configuration
  2. Create Material Group in SAP MM
  3. Create Material Types in SAP MM
  4. Define Industry Sectors
  5. Maintain company codes for material management
  6. Define MRP Controllers
  7. Create, Change, Display Material
  8. Create purchasing info records

Vendor Master 

  1. Define vendor account groups
  2. Maintain number ranges for vendor accounts
  3. Assign number ranges to vendor accounts
  4. create sundry credit account
  5. Tolerance group for vendors
  6. Vendor payment terms
  7. Create vendor master data
  8. Automatic payment program configuration
  9. Interest calculation configuration


  1. Procurement Process Cycle Overview
  2. Types of Purchasing Documents
  3. Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance
  4. Maintain source list
  5. Create Purchase Requisition (PR)
  6. Create Request for Quotation (RFQ)
  7. Maintain Quotations
  8. Create Purchase Order for stock materials

Inventory Management

  1. Create Movement Types
  2. Goods Receipt Invoice (GRIN)
  3. Post goods issue
  4. Stock transfer and Transfer posting

>> Check Sap Interview Questions & Answers >>

SAP MM Tcodes

Within the most important Transactions Code in SAP MM (Material Management), we can list

AC02 Service Master
MB01 Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
MB1A Goods Withdrawal
MB1B Transfer Posting
MB1C Post Other Goods Receipts
MB21 Create Reservation
MB51 Material Document List
MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand
MB5T Stock in Transit
MBST Cancel Material Document
ME01 Maintain Source List
ME11 Maintain Purchasing Info Record
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME29N Release Purchase Order
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement
ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement
ME41 Create RFQ/Quotation
ME42 Change RFQ/Quotation
ME43 Display RFQ/Quotation
ME51N Create Purchase Requisition
ME52N Change Purchase Requisition
ME53N Display Purchase Requisition
ME59N Automatic generation of Purchase Order
MEQ1 Create Quota Arrangement
MEQ2 Change Quota Arrangement
MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement
MIGO Post Goods Movement
MIR5 Display List of Invoice Documents
MIR6 Invoice Overview
MIR7 Park Invoice
MIRA Fast Invoice Entry
MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice
ML33 Create Vendor Conditions
ML81N Create Service Entry Sheet
MM01 Create Material
MM02 Change Material
MM03 Display Material
MMB1 Create Semi Finished Product
MMBE Stock Overview
MMDE Delete All Materials
MMF1 Create Finished Product
MMG1 Create Returnable Packaging
MMH1 Create Trading Goods
MMI1 Create Operating Supplies
MMK1 Create Configurable Material
MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material
MMNR Define Material Master Number Ranges
MR8M Cancel Invoice Document
MRBR Release Blocked Invoices
MRIS Settle Invoicing Plan
MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement
OME4 Create Purchasing Group
OMJJ Customizing: Define New Movement Types
OMR6 Tolerance limits: Invoice Verification
OX01 Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code
OX02 Create Company Code
OX08 Create Purchasing Organization
OX09 Create Storage Location
OX10 Create Plant
OX15 Create Company
OX17 Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant
OX18 Assign Plant to Company Code
XK01 Create Vendor
XK02 Change Vendor
XK03 Display Vendor

Check also SAP MMBE: SAP Stock Overview MMBE Tcode

SAP Material Tables SAP MM Tables

The main SAP MM Tables for Material Management in SAP are:

SAP MM Tables for Purchasing

Regarding to Purchasing in SAP Material Management, the most important tables for Purchasing are:

EBAN Purchase Requisition
EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
EINA Purchasing Info Record- General Data
EINE Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data
EIPA Order price history record
EKAB Release Documentation
EKBE History per Purchasing Document
EKBZ Purchasing document history: delivery costs
EKET Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKO Purchasing Document Header
EKPB Material to be provided item in purchasing document
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
EKUB Index for Stock Transport Orders for Material
EORD Purchasing Source List
ESKN Account assignment in service package
ESLH Service package header data
ESLL Lines in service package
ESSR Service entry sheet header data
ESUC External services management: Unplanned limits for contract item
ESUH External services management: unplanned service limits header data
ESUP External services management: unplanned limits for service packages
ESUS External services management: Unplanned limits for service types

SAP MM Tables for Inventory Management

The main Inventory Management Tables for SAP MM are:

IKPF Header- Physical Inventory Document
ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items

SAP MMBE : SAP Stock Overview MMBE Tcode

For SAP Stock Overview Tcodes, you have Vendor, Dunning, Bank and Transactions details.

The most important SAP MMBE SAP Stock Overview MMBE Tcode are:

LFA1 Vendor General Data
LFAS VAT registration numbers general section
LFB1 Vendor + Company
LFB5 Dunning data
LFBK Bank details
LFC1 Transaction figures
LFC3 Special G/L transaction figures
LFM1 Vendor master record purchasing organization data
LFM2 Vendor Master Record: Purchasing Data

SAP MM Tables fro Material Master

Material Master Data are stored in the following SAP MM tables

MAKT Material Descriptions
MAPR Material Index for Forecast
MARA General Material Data
MARC Plant Data for Material
MARD Storage Location Data for Material
MARM Units of Measure for Material
MAST Material to BOM Link
MBEW Material Valuation
MCHA Batches
MCHB Batch Stocks
MDBS Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line (good to find open PO’s)
MKOL Special Stocks from Vendor
MKPF Header- Material Document
MLAN Tax Classification for Material
MLGN Material Data for Each Warehouse Number
MLGT Material Data for Each Storage Type
MOFF Lists what views have not been created
MSEG Document Segment- Material
MSKA Sales Order Stock
MVER Material Consumption
MVKE Sales Data for materials

SAP MM Tables for Invoice Verification

For Invoice Verification, check the following SAP MM Tables:

MYMFT FIFO results table
MYML LIFO material layer
MYMLM LIFO material layer (monthly)
MYMP LIFO period stocks & single material
MYMP1 Receipt data LIFO/FIFO valuation
MYPL LIFO pool layer
MYPLM LIFO pool layer (monthly)
RBCO Document item incoming invoice account assignment
RBDIFFKO Invoice Verification: conditions
RBDIFFME Invoice Verification: quantity differences
RBDRSEG Invoice Verification batch: invoice document items
RBKP Document header: incoming invoice
RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
RKPF Document Header- Reservation

Check also

  • The Most Important SAP Stocks Tables used in SAP MM/SD
  • SAP KNVV: Customer Master Sales Data
  • MVKE Table in SAP MM (Material Sales Data Table)

SAP PM Functional Location

Master Record for Functional Location 

The master record for the functional location uses the following views:

1), General: Class, object type, reference data, and manufacturer data.

2), Location: Location data, address

3), Organization: Account assignment (for example, company code, cost center), responsibilities (for example, maintenance planning plant)

4), Structure: For example, structure indicator, higher-level functional location, equipment

Additional data or links in the master record for the functional location can also be activated as tab pages or called up using push buttons (see graphic).

Also See: SAP Implementation available Tools During the Project

21 SAP PP Questions and Answers

1 :: Can we create Production order without bom and routing?

yes we can create a production order without BOM & routing.
Change the Config in OPL8 ( order type dependent parameters)
as routing optional. But it may ask for a sales order when
we try to create order using CO01

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2 :: what is the difference between PP and PP-PI?Which one is better and how?

PP—> Prodction Planning mostly used for descrete type of
industries , where at the time of confirmation the output is
sure to be fixed. eg Automobile
PP- PI—> Production Planning for Process Industries , here
mostly used for the typical chemical industries , as the
Yield is not fixed due to chemical reaction yield values can
be varied to noticable extent. Eg X+Y =Z some 10 kg of X
and 1 KG of Y givs yiled that is Z of 10 Kg only.

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5 :: Explain why their is need of production version?

In production version, we assign the BOM and ROUTING
combination. And in case of alternate BOMs , it clears which
alternative bom has to be selected automatically.

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6 :: Explain what is the meaning of exploding a BOM?

it is the process of multiplying the requirement by the
usage quantity and recording the appropriate requirements
throughout the product tree

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7 :: What are all the different manufacturing scenarios in pp?

There are different scenarios in SAP PP module.
1)Make to stock
2)Make to order
3)External processing (Subcontracting)
4)Rework processing
5)Prodcution in another plant

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9 :: What is the need of pp in sap, what is the flow diagram of sap pp

SAP pp provides capabilities for planning, execution,
quality, maintenance.This integrated manufacturing solution
gives you the features and functions necessary for you to
Activity flow
Step 1. Material Creation-Finished with suitable material
Step 2. Purchasing and procurement of Material
Step 3. Creation of Bills of Material
Step 4. Creation of Work center
Step 5. Creation of routing.
Step 6. Creation of Production Order
Step 7. Confirmation of production order
Step 8. Stock check
Step 9. MRP run
Step 10.Material Procurement

Is This Answer Correct?39 Yes3 No
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10 :: In which context do you use bills of material? Material Requirements Planning Execute Production Goods Movements (to Help Data Entry) Product Costing Development/Engineering/Design Documentation Others?

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Удаление вида затрат



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Просмотр отдельных позиций основных счетов



Анализ основных счетов


FAGLB03 (Новая Главная книга)

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Изменение основного средства



Просмотр основного средства



Проводник Учета основных средств



Запасы по местам возникновения затрат



Создание места возникновения затрат



Изменение места возникновения затрат



Просмотр места возникновения затрат



Создание внутреннего заказа



Обработка внутреннего заказа



Просмотр внутреннего заказа



Создание места возникновения прибыли



Изменение места возникновения прибыли



Просмотр места возникновения прибыли



Ввод ручного переноса первичных затрат



Просмотр ручного переноса первичных затрат



Сторнирование ручного переноса первичных затрат



Просмотр калькуляции



Просмотр продуктивного заказа



Просмотр технологического заказа



Просмотр материала



Просмотр отдельных позиций



Изменение дебитора (централизованно)



Изменение кредитора (централизованно)



Открытые позиции Главной книги: выверка документов



Открытые позиции Главной книги: выверка документов



Дебитор/кредитор: выверка документов



Просмотр прогона калькуляции


How to create maintenance strategy in SAP PM

In this activity you create maintenance strategy in SAP to define the frequency of specific work packages for a type of equipment. Work package can be a inspection, maintenance, service, etc. Each of this work packages consists the different frequencies.


You can define maintenance strategy in SAP PM by using the following navigation method.

Transaction code IP11
SAP Menu Path Logistics > Plant Maintenance> Preventive Maintenance > Maintenance planning > Maintenance strategies > change.

Configuration steps

Perform the following configuration steps to create maintenance strategy in SAP Plant Maintenance module.

Step 1 : Execute t-code “IP11” in command field from SAP easy access screen.

Step 2 : On change view maintain strategies overview screen, choose maintenance strategies folder under dialog structure and click on new entries button to create the new maintenance strategy in SAP.

Step 3 : On change maintenance strategies details screen, update the following details.

  • Name : Enter the alpha numeric key that defines as strategy in SAP.
  • Description : Update the descriptive text of maintenance strategy i.e. Electric pumps perf. based H.
  • Scheduling indicator : Choose the appropriate unit, i.e. time.
  • Strategy unit : It defines as unit of time, choose Mon (month) or Yr (year).
  • Call horizon : In most cases 100% is used for call horizon. When an order is generated before a call is required, it is expressed as percentage of cycle length.
  • Shift factor for late completion : It is used to determine the impact of late completion of work. Update the percentage for late completion
  • Tolerance for late completion (%) : Update percentage of tolerance for late completion
  • Shift factor for early completion :It is used to determine the impact of early work completion, enter the percentage factor for early completion.
  • Tolerance for early completion (%) : Update the percentage of tolerance limit for early completion.
  • Factory Calendar : Leave this field as blank or choose the factory calendar as per requirements.

Now choose save icon and save the configured details.

Step 4 : Choose the maintenance strategies key and click on packages folder.

Step 5 : Click on new entries button and update the following details.

  • Package no : Update the sequential identifying number of cycle item, starting at 1.
  • Cycle length : Frequency of inspection or maintenance period.
  • Unit : Unit for performance of maintenance task.
  • Maintenance cycle text : Descriptive text of work.
  • Cycle short text : Update the two characteristic key as cycle short text and it is used for assigning to task list.
  • Hierarchy : Enter the hierarchy level of maintenance package.
  • Hierarchy shot text : Short text of hierarchy.

Choose save icon and save the configured maintenance packages details

Successfully we have created maintenance strategy in SAP PM.

Download SAP PM — Create Maintenance Strategy in SAP in PDF

SAP PM Equipment Tables

The business object “Equipment” is an individual, physical object that is to be maintained independently.

It can be installed in a technical system or part of a technical system.

The main SAP Plant Maintenance Tables for Equipment are:

EQUI Equipment master data
EQKT Multilingual equipment short texts long texts and internal remarks
EQUZ Equipment time segments
ILOA Location and account assignment data for the maintenance object
IHSG Table of permits for Plant Maintenance with long texts
IHPA Partners
FLEET Fleet object-specific data for technical objects

SAP MM Training Free SAP Material Management Module Training Tutorials

SAP MM Course Summary

In SAP R/3 system, SAP MM module is one important module of logistics that deals with procurement process of an organization. This MM module is mainly focus on inventory management, Warehouse management, Vendor master data and purchasing. SAP Material Management module can be integrated with other modules of SAP like SAP FICO, SAP SD, SAP QM, SAP WM and with various modules based on the requirements of an organization.

Prerequisites: What should I know?

This SAP MM course is completely designed from basic concepts of SAP, so no background knowledge is required to learn SAP MM module.

SAP MM Training Syllabus

Below SAP MM tutorials are designed from basic concepts to advanced concepts. Beginners can easily learn MM module step by step with real time scenarios through this free SAP MM training.

SAP MM Training – Organization Structure

  1. Tutorial – How to create company code in SAP
  2. Tutorial – How to assign company code to company in SAP
  3. Tutorial – How to create plant in SAP
  4. Tutorial – How to assign plant to company code in SAP
  5. Tutorial – How to create storage location in SAP
  6. Tutorial – How to create purchase organization in SAP
  7. Tutorial – How to assign purchase organization to company code
  8. Tutorial – How to assign purchase organization to plant in SAP
  9. Tutorial – How to assign standard purchase organization to plant

SAP MM Training- Master Data

  1. Tutorial – An overview of material master
  2. Tutorial – How to define attributes for material types
  3. Tutorial – How to define number range interval for material type
  4. Tutorial – How to define material groups
  5. Tutorial – How to define company code for material management
  6. Tutorial – How to create material master data
  7. Tutorial – How to define purchase information record
  8. Tutorial – How to create vendor account groups
  9. Tutorial – How to define number ranges for vendor accounts
  10. Tutorial – How to assign number ranges to vendor account groups
  11. Tutorial – How to maintain terms of payment in SAP
  12. Tutorial – How to maintain plant parameters for MRP

SAP MM Training- Purchasing

  1. Tutorial – Define number ranges for purchase requisition
  2. Tutorial – How to define document types for PR
  3. Tutorial – How to define processing time
  4. Tutorial – How to define screen layout at document level
  5. Tutorial – How to define text types
  6. Tutorial – How to define number rages for RFQ
  7. Tutorial – How to define document types for RFQ
  8. Tutorial – How to maintain quotation comments
  9. Tutorial – How to define text types for Header texts
  10. Tutorial – How to define text types for item texts
  11. Tutorial – How to define number ranges for PO
  12. Tutorial – How to define document types for PO
  13. Tutorial – How to set tolerance limits for price variance
  14. Tutorial – How to define texts for purchase order
  15. Tutorial – How to edit characteristics for PO
  16. Tutorial – How to Edit class for PO
  17. Tutorial – How to define release procedure for PO
  18. Tutorial – How to define access sequence
  19. Tutorial – How to define condition type for purchasing.

Download SAP MM Training — Learn SAP MM Module in PDF

SAP PP Tables for RoutingsOperations

The routing lists the operations needed to manufacture a product. It specifies the following for each operation:

  • The work center at which the operation is carried out
  • Which default values are to be used to calculate the dates, capacities, and production costs
  • Whether the costs of an operation are taken into account for costing
  • The material components needed to carry out an operation

In repetitive manufacturing, you can use rate routings in addition to normal routings and reference operation sets.

SAP PP Master Data Tables

Table Description
MAPL Allocation of task lists to materials
PLAS Task list : selection of operations/activities
PLFH Task list :production resources/tools
PLFL Task list : sequences
PLKO Task list :header
PLKZ Task list: main header
PLPH Phases / suboperations
PLPO Task list operation / activity
PLPR Log collector for tasklists
PLMZ Allocation of BOM :items to operations

Check alos?How to Link Between PLKO and PLPO for Routine in SAP

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