вход и настройка роутеров NetGear


How to enable Dynamic Quality of Service QoS Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router RAX120

Dynamic Quality of Service (QoS) on Nighthawk router improves the router’s Internet traffic management capabilities by providing better application and device identification. It improves traffic control through bandwidth allocation and traffic or device prioritization techniques. Setting up the Dynamic QoS feature on the Netgear Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router (RAX120) resolves traffic congestion when the Internet bandwidth is quite limited and different devices compete for bandwidth. This ensure effective gaming experience while using the RAX 120 router.

Enabling Dynamic QoS feature on your Netgear Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router (RAX120) is helpful If your Internet download and upload speed is 250 Mbps or less and you want to have an enhanced gaming and video streaming experience. Because the Dynamic QoS feature is not used by everyone, it is disabled by default and you have to enable it on your Netgear Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router – RAX120 following the steps below:

  • Load a web browser on your computer or mobile device that is connected to the router’s network through wired or wirelessly.
  • Enter the Netgear router login web address or to log into the Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router (RAX120) web interface.
  • The Netgear router login screen for Netgear Nighthawk R120 gets displayed prompting for the default login information.
  • Enter the Netgear router default login details – user name as admin and password as password keeping in mind that the login information is case sensitive.
  • You enter the web interface of the router and the Netgear Nighthawk R120 router’s BASIC Home screen displays.
  • Select the Dynamic QoS option on the web interface and enable Dynamic QoS check box to enable the Dynamic QoS feature on the Nighthawk RAX 120 router.
  • When prompted to specify your Internet bandwidth, specify your Internet bandwidth to allow the Dynamic QoS to perform bandwidth allocation and traffic prioritization on the router network.
  • Allow Speed test to determine your Internet bandwidth by clicking on the Speed test button.
  • Note: For getting more accurate Speed test results, you must ensure that no other devices are accessing your router Internet.
  • Click on the Apply button to save the settings made on the Netgear Nighthawk RAX 120.
  • Following the enabling of dynamic QoS after login, a link is displayed on the bottom of the screen to let you view bandwidth utilization and the Attached Devices. Netgear troubleshooting Steps : Netgear troubleshooting Steps

If your NETGEAR router is giving you trouble then consider the following steps:

  1. Try to restart your internet modem and the router. To do this you have to unplug the power cable from both devices that are from router and modem. After about 10 seconds plug it back and then restart your computer also.
  2. After waiting for about a minute check the Internet light on your modem. If it is on that means your modem is working fine and you are connected to the network. Also, check the Internet Light on Your Router.

How to test Internet Service Provider Connection And Modem?

  • Establish a connection between your computer and modem with the help of an Ethernet Cable.
  • Ensure that your wireless router is turned off. Now Restart Your Computer And Modem
  • Once your computer restarts, open the web browser and go to the internet to check your connection, network, and modem.

If the above mentioned basic troubleshooting steps fail, you can try the following:

Resetting the Netgear Router

First, we will explain the steps for soft reset:

  1. Make sure your computer and Netgear wireless router are connected to each other.
  2. In the address bar of your browser type the default Gateway Web Address or192.168.0.1 and login to your Netgear Router Setup Console.NOTE: if the above web address does not work then try or
  3. You will be asked to enter the login credentials. Enter the default username =admin and default password = password.
  4. Once you login to your Netgear Router go toBackup Settings in which you will find an option for revert to Factory Default settings.
  5. Below this tab, Click On This will reset your Netgear wireless router to factory default settings. You may be asked to reboot. So for this restart your Netgear router and modem and try to set up the router again.

Now let us take you through hard reset for your Netgear router. This method is another way for those users for whom the soft reset did not work.

  1. Press the Reset Key located at the back of your Netgear Router. With the help of a paperclip or pen and press and hold for 20-30seconds until you see that all the lights start blinking together.
  2. Restart your router and try to set it up again.

Why do you need Netgear router firmware update?

The update is required because your old firmware might be outdated. Let us guide you more on the update procedure:

  • Make sure you are connected to the Internet
  • Enter the web address for default gateway- or192.168.0.1 If these do not work then you can try or
  • Now you will log in to your Netgear router setup page to check for the updates.
  • When prompted to enter username and password, type the default username=admin and default password= password.
  • Once you finish the update please restart your computer and the router.
    I am sure this blog will help you solve your Netgear router problems.

Сайт вход и настройка роутера Netgear.

На форумах о роутерах, модемах и прочем оборудовании можно часто встретить ссылки, или упоминание сайта Что за сайт это такой, который может помочь разобраться в настройках сетевого оборудования, и расскажет, как устранить ту, или иную проблему?

На самом деле, специалисты в области модемов, роутеров и gpon ont терминалов ещё с 2009 года оценили ресурс, как очень информативный и полезный. На сайте собрано огромное количество статей и инструкций для начинающих пользователей по сетевым устройствам. Можно совершенно не владеть информацией о разнице между роутером и модемом, между кабелем и витой парой, но при этом самостоятельно настроить роутер или выбрать самый продвинутый маршрутизатор. Для этого достаточно пошерстить странички блога, всю нужную информацию вы там обязательно отыщите, а заодно, узнаете очень много интересного и полезного…


Рассмотрим сайт более подробно, чтобы понять, что у него есть:

1. Главная. На этой странице вы найдёте более 250 информационных статей на тему выбора и устранения неполадок сетевого оборудования, обзоры новинок, анализ провайдеров, десятки статей по безопасности и множество полезных инструкций, которые пригодятся любому пользователю ПК (например, как убрать рекламные окна и баннеры, как заблокировать сайт и т.п.). Долго искать интересующую тему не придётся — в левой части страницы есть неплохой навигатор по рубрикам: Android, D-link, IP-телефония, TP-Link, Безопасность и т.д. Также внизу слева есть блок интересных статей, которые будет полезно почитать каждому.

2. Во вкладке «Настройка роутера» вы найдёте детальнейшее пошаговое руководство как настроить роутер самостоятельно. Схемы, скриншоты и, написанная доступным для простого пользователя языком, инструкция помогут вам без проблем разобраться во всех тонкостях сетевого подключения как ADSL-роутеров, так и беспроводных Wi-Fi маршрутизаторов. При этом, из статьи вы узнаете очень много полезного, что даст вам чёткое понимание, что вы делаете и зачем, а не просто «красный проводок подключите в первый разъем, а синий — во второй».

3. Сервисы. Здесь всё скромнее. Есть два простеньких сервиса, с помощью которых вы сможете узнать свой IP-адрес и скорость Интернет-соединения. Всё довольно доступно: кликаете по иконке — и получаете информацию.

4. Раздел «Карта» — это своего рода навигатор по сайту, развёрнутая версия рубрик на главной странице. Здесь указаны все публикации, которые есть на сайте по категориям. Просто и удобно. Напоминает содержание в книге.

В принципе, вот и все возможности сайта, которые нам удалось обнаружить. Есть определённого рода форма обратной связи — возможность подписаться на новости в социальной сети ВК. Подписчиков у ресурса достаточно, что ещё раз подтверждает то, что сайт полезен, информативен и ведётся не на любительском, а на профессиональном уровне. Ещё одно преимущество — это доступность подачи информации даже для людей, которые «не в теме».

Также читайте…

  • Как активировать СИМ-карты Мегафон, МТС и Билайн.
  • Как убрать, уменьшить шум от компьютера или ноутбука.
  • Программа для автоматического обновления драйверов.

Основная настройка

Откройте любой браузер и введите в адресной строке адрес роутера, который вы уточнили ранее. Перейдите по этому адресу и введите уточнённые имя пользователя и пароль, затем нажмите «Вход». При успешной авторизации в панели управления Netgear будет открыта вкладка «Состояние». На ней отображается статус сети, параметры Wi-Fi, количество подключенных устройств и состояние дополнительных функций маршрутизатора.

Из удобств последних версий веб-интерфейса Netgear можно отметить разделение всех настроек роутера на «базовые» и «профессиональные». Оно реализовано в виде двух горизонтальных вкладок: «Базовый режим» и «Доп. настройки». Например, вкладка «Состояние» из базового режима соответствует вкладке «Состояние роутера» из дополнительных настроек. При этом в профессиональном режиме отображается намного больше технической информации.

Для настройки подключения перейдите в меню «Настройка -> Настройка Интернета». Уточните тип подключения, а также наличие имени пользователя и пароля в вашем договоре с Интернет-провайдером. Если подключение защищено паролем, отметьте вариант «Да» в первом пункте настройки, а затем выберите тип подключения из выпадающего списка. На выбор предлагаются варианты: PPTP, PPPoE, L2TP. Введите имя пользователя и пароль.

Также в договоре может быть указан IP-адрес, если используется подключение со статическим IP. В этом случае введите его в разделе «IP-адрес Интернет-порта». В поле выбора IP-адреса DNS-сервера рекомендуется установить значение «Получить автоматически от провайдера». Для MAC-адреса маршрутизатора оставьте значение по умолчанию.

Steps to avoid blocking on a trusted computer through Netgear AD7200 Smart Wi-Fi router

  • Launch a browser in your computer connected to the home network.
  • Type or as the web address bar of the browser. While encountering connection error, the user can switch any of it to get to the web address bar of the browser.
  • Hit enter button and Netgear Router login screen appear on the screen.
  • Mention the login credentials on the login window of the router screen.
  • Click on OK button and the home screen of appears on the screen.
  • Go to the advanced tab, click on the Security tab and then click on the block sites tab.
  • Block Sites page get displayed on the screen.
  • Scroll down your page and select “Allow Trusted IP address to visit blocked websites checkbox”
  • Type down the IP address of a trusted computer in a Trusted IP address field.
  • Click on the Apply button and the changes you made will get saved.

 How to change the MTU size in the Netgear AD7200 Wi-Fi router?

MTU is basically a maximum amount of data that can be sent over a segment. MTU determines the largest amount of data packets that can be transferred in a segment. The more amount of data packet will be sent in a segment, the more amount of speed will a user will receive. Default MTU size of a Netgear router is considered as 1400 and is advised to not be changed as it can cause various connection problems. MTU size of a Netgear Router can be changed through the web interface of the or can also be through the Netgear Genie app.

Steps to avoid blocking on a trusted computer through Netgear AD7200 Smart Wi-Fi router

  • Launch a browser in your computer connected to the home network.
  • Type or as the web address bar of the browser. While encountering connection error, the user can switch any of it to get to the web address bar of the browser.
  • Hit enter button and Netgear Router login screen appear on the screen.
  • Mention the login credentials on the login window of the router screen.
  • Click on OK button and the home screen of appears on the screen.
  • Go to the advanced tab, click on the Security tab and then click on the block sites tab.
  • Block Sites page get displayed on the screen.
  • Scroll down your page and select “Allow Trusted IP address to visit blocked websites checkbox”
  • Type down the IP address of a trusted computer in a Trusted IP address field.
  • Click on the Apply button and the changes you made will get saved.

 How to change the MTU size in the Netgear AD7200 Wi-Fi router?

MTU is basically a maximum amount of data that can be sent over a segment. MTU determines the largest amount of data packets that can be transferred in a segment. The more amount of data packet will be sent in a segment, the more amount of speed will a user will receive. Default MTU size of a Netgear router is considered as 1400 and is advised to not be changed as it can cause various connection problems. MTU size of a Netgear Router can be changed through the web interface of the or can also be through the Netgear Genie app.

Creating Account for Web Utility

If you are going to install Arlo login cameras for your location then you will need to create account for your Arlo camera. If you want to create account for your Arlo login camera, you will need to access web utility using the web browser at your computer system. Once you fill address and hit the enter key, you will receive following screen at your computer system

If you are new to Netgear Arlo camera then you will need to click on option “New to Arlo”. Once you click on this option you will get redirect to following web page.

This screen will ask you that which Arlo camera you are using so make a selection for the camera you are using. For example you are using Arlo Q camera then click on that Arlo camera and go for the next screen.

You will need to plug in your Arlo login camera and once all done you can fill the required information including “Network Name” and “Password” for your device.

These are the simple steps you will need to follow so that you can create account for your brand new Arlo device. There are a number of advance features you will receive with your Arlo cameras. We are explaining some of these advance features in following session.

  • Arlo login cameras are best pet monitoring cameras so you can install these advance cameras for your home and make sure that your pets are fully protected even if you are not at home.
  • Arlo login camera is also best baby monitors these days. Actually these is a complete range of Arlo baby monitors available in the market and you can choose one of them all according to your own choice.
  • Arlo baby monitors can be managed using web address and they also provide two way communication path so you can talk to your child from any remote location.
  • If you want to secure your office from any kind of security measure then you must go for installing Arlo login cameras for your office. Using Arlo camera for your office you can also make sure that your employees are working professionally and not wasting their time on social media.
  • Arlo cameras are totally weather proof that means you can install your Arlo cameras for outdoor locations also.
  • Best thing about Arlo camera is that these advance cameras are easily managed using the mobile application. You can download Arlo login mobile application at free of cost from the play store of your Android mobile phone.
  • Arlo login cameras can cover a large geographical area as compare to all other advance cameras available in the market.

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If your NETGEAR router is giving you trouble then consider the following steps:

  1. Try to restart your internet modem and the router. To do this you have to unplug the power cable from both devices that are from router and modem. After about 10 seconds plug it back and then restart your computer also.
  2. After waiting for about a minute check the Internet light on your modem. If it is on that means your modem is working fine and you are connected to the network. Also, check the Internet Light on Your Router.

How to test Internet Service Provider Connection And Modem?

  • Establish a connection between your computer and modem with the help of an Ethernet Cable.
  • Ensure that your wireless router is turned off. Now Restart Your Computer And Modem
  • Once your computer restarts, open the web browser and go to the internet to check your connection, network, and modem.

If the above mentioned basic troubleshooting steps fail, you can try the following:

Resetting the Netgear Router

First, we will explain the steps for soft reset:

  1. Make sure your computer and Netgear wireless router are connected to each other.
  2. In the address bar of your browser type the default Gateway Web Address or192.168.0.1 and login to your Netgear Router Setup Console.NOTE: if the above web address does not work then try or
  3. You will be asked to enter the login credentials. Enter the default username =admin and default password = password.
  4. Once you login to your Netgear Router go toBackup Settings in which you will find an option for revert to Factory Default settings.
  5. Below this tab, Click On This will reset your Netgear wireless router to factory default settings. You may be asked to reboot. So for this restart your Netgear router and modem and try to set up the router again.

Now let us take you through hard reset for your Netgear router. This method is another way for those users for whom the soft reset did not work.

  1. Press the Reset Key located at the back of your Netgear Router. With the help of a paperclip or pen and press and hold for 20-30seconds until you see that all the lights start blinking together.
  2. Restart your router and try to set it up again.

Why do you need Netgear router firmware update?

The update is required because your old firmware might be outdated. Let us guide you more on the update procedure:

  • Make sure you are connected to the Internet
  • Enter the web address for default gateway- or192.168.0.1 If these do not work then you can try or
  • Now you will log in to your Netgear router setup page to check for the updates.
  • When prompted to enter username and password, type the default username=admin and default password= password.
  • Once you finish the update please restart your computer and the router.
    I am sure this blog will help you solve your Netgear router problems.

How to enable Dynamic Quality of Service QoS Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router RAX120

Dynamic Quality of Service (QoS) on Nighthawk router improves the router’s Internet traffic management capabilities by providing better application and device identification. It improves traffic control through bandwidth allocation and traffic or device prioritization techniques. Setting up the Dynamic QoS feature on the Netgear Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router (RAX120) resolves traffic congestion when the Internet bandwidth is quite limited and different devices compete for bandwidth. This ensure effective gaming experience while using the RAX 120 router.

Enabling Dynamic QoS feature on your Netgear Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router (RAX120) is helpful If your Internet download and upload speed is 250 Mbps or less and you want to have an enhanced gaming and video streaming experience. Because the Dynamic QoS feature is not used by everyone, it is disabled by default and you have to enable it on your Netgear Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router – RAX120 following the steps below:

  • Load a web browser on your computer or mobile device that is connected to the router’s network through wired or wirelessly.
  • Enter the Netgear router login web address or to log into the Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router (RAX120) web interface.
  • The Netgear router login screen for Netgear Nighthawk R120 gets displayed prompting for the default login information.
  • Enter the Netgear router default login details – user name as admin and password as password keeping in mind that the login information is case sensitive.
  • You enter the web interface of the router and the Netgear Nighthawk R120 router’s BASIC Home screen displays.
  • Select the Dynamic QoS option on the web interface and enable Dynamic QoS check box to enable the Dynamic QoS feature on the Nighthawk RAX 120 router.
  • When prompted to specify your Internet bandwidth, specify your Internet bandwidth to allow the Dynamic QoS to perform bandwidth allocation and traffic prioritization on the router network.
  • Allow Speed test to determine your Internet bandwidth by clicking on the Speed test button.
  • Note: For getting more accurate Speed test results, you must ensure that no other devices are accessing your router Internet.
  • Click on the Apply button to save the settings made on the Netgear Nighthawk RAX 120.
  • Following the enabling of dynamic QoS after login, a link is displayed on the bottom of the screen to let you view bandwidth utilization and the Attached Devices.

The default router IP address

Here is a list of the most commonly used default IP addresses and the router companies which use them for their routers.

Default IP Address Router Brand Cisco
TP-Link Linksys
Trendnet Huawei
Eminent Huawei
Motorola Netopia
Telmex Edimax
Belkin D-Link
Zyxel Belkin

On the other hand here is a guide on how to find the default router login IP address. It’s easy to follow.

Netgear Router Installation and Setup Guide Step by Step

How to Install Netgear Routers?

If you do not have a desktop computer to install your NETGEAR wireless router for the first time, you can always use your wireless device. For this, connect your wireless device to the preset wireless settings of your NETGEAR wireless router then do the configuration of your device for Internet connection.

To install your NETGEAR wireless router with a wireless device:

  • Connect the Ethernet cable from your DSL or cable modem to the Internet port of your NETGEAR router.
  • Power on your DSL or cable modem and wait till all the lights become solid.
  • Also, power on your NETGEAR router and wait for the LEDs to become stable.
  • Get ready with preset wireless settings of your NETGEAR router which are written on the back or at the bottom of your device.
  • Open the WiFi connection manager on your wireless device and search out for the SSID or WiFi network name of your NETGEAR router.
  • Connect to the SSID by clicking on it and enter the passphrase.
  • Open any Internet browser of your preference.
  • Netgear genie will be displayed but If it does not display, go to the address bar and type or
  • To go to netgear router login, Enter the default username which is admin and the default password is password.
  • Follow the NETGEAR Genie instructions to configure the device.

Note: if you have a DSL connection, you will need to get your PPPoE credentials (username and password) from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to configure your NETGEAR router properly.

The Congratulations page appears and Click on Take me to the Internet to be confirmed that you are connected.

How to Setup Netgear Router Settings?

You can go to Netgear setup page using a smart wizard or a Netgear genie user interface.

Once you access the netgear admin page, follow these steps for Netgear setup

    • You must connect your Netgear router to your computer and your modem using the Ethernet cable. Connect your modem to the WAN/WLAN/Internet port of your Netgear router and connect your computer to the any of the four LAN ports of the router.
    • Power off the computer, router, and broadband/cable modem, switch on again. Wait while all of them finish booting up.
    • Access the netgear admin page by typing the router’s IP address which would be either or in the address bar and press Enter.
    • You can either login to Netgear login page by entering or
    • in the address bar
    • You will be prompted to netgear router login.
    • Enter the default username as admin and the default password as password.
    • The username and password are case-sensitive.
    • To follow Netgear Smart wizard setup, Click the Setup Wizard and you will see the Setup Wizard screen displayed.
    • The Netgear Smart wizard setup will detect the type of internet connection. It will detect Dynamic IP for cable internet connections.

Click Next, therefore, the router saves the settings automatically and you are done with Netgear set up.

How Can I Recover My Netgear Router Username or Password?

It is very common to forget your username and password or not know your router’s default password. If you are facing trouble logging in to your Netgear router login page, it is obvious that your router’s username and password are still set to the default settings.

Here are the steps in order to recover router password or find out your admin and password.

  1. There is a possibility that default username and password are specified in the documentation accompanied with the router. These are mentioned on a label along with the router’s serial number and login address. If somehow, this label or the documentation is unavailable, go to step 2.
  2. All routers have a default username and password. If you are unable to find out that information, find out your router from our Default Router Passwords. Write down the username and password for your router and then go to your router IP address or
  3. You will have to reset your router by performing a factory reset:
  • Locate the Restore Factory Settings or Reset button on the back of your router.
  • Using a paper clip or any similar object, press and hold the Restore Factory Settings or Reset button for about 7 to 10 seconds.
  • Release the Reset button and wait for your router to reboot. When your router is finished with the factory reset, the power light will stop blinking and will light solid green. (Note: The Power light on newer router models will light solid white). This indicates that the factory default settings are restored
  • Now you can go to Netgear router login to the router using your default username and password ( admin and password). Netgear troubleshooting Steps : Netgear troubleshooting Steps

If your NETGEAR router is giving you trouble then consider the following steps:

  1. Try to restart your internet modem and the router. To do this you have to unplug the power cable from both devices that are from router and modem. After about 10 seconds plug it back and then restart your computer also.
  2. After waiting for about a minute check the Internet light on your modem. If it is on that means your modem is working fine and you are connected to the network. Also, check the Internet Light on Your Router.

How to test Internet Service Provider Connection And Modem?

  • Establish a connection between your computer and modem with the help of an Ethernet Cable.
  • Ensure that your wireless router is turned off. Now Restart Your Computer And Modem
  • Once your computer restarts, open the web browser and go to the internet to check your connection, network, and modem.

If the above mentioned basic troubleshooting steps fail, you can try the following:

Resetting the Netgear Router

First, we will explain the steps for soft reset:

  1. Make sure your computer and Netgear wireless router are connected to each other.
  2. In the address bar of your browser type the default Gateway Web Address or192.168.0.1 and login to your Netgear Router Setup Console.NOTE: if the above web address does not work then try or
  3. You will be asked to enter the login credentials. Enter the default username =admin and default password = password.
  4. Once you login to your Netgear Router go toBackup Settings in which you will find an option for revert to Factory Default settings.
  5. Below this tab, Click On This will reset your Netgear wireless router to factory default settings. You may be asked to reboot. So for this restart your Netgear router and modem and try to set up the router again.

Now let us take you through hard reset for your Netgear router. This method is another way for those users for whom the soft reset did not work.

  1. Press the Reset Key located at the back of your Netgear Router. With the help of a paperclip or pen and press and hold for 20-30seconds until you see that all the lights start blinking together.
  2. Restart your router and try to set it up again.

Why do you need Netgear router firmware update?

The update is required because your old firmware might be outdated. Let us guide you more on the update procedure:

  • Make sure you are connected to the Internet
  • Enter the web address for default gateway- or192.168.0.1 If these do not work then you can try or
  • Now you will log in to your Netgear router setup page to check for the updates.
  • When prompted to enter username and password, type the default username=admin and default password= password.
  • Once you finish the update please restart your computer and the router.
    I am sure this blog will help you solve your Netgear router problems.

Вход или страница недоступна и не открывается

Несмотря на то, что процесс настройки обычных сетевых устройств для дома и небольшого офиса — дело относительно несложное, всё равно очень часто пользователи сталкиваются с трудностями. Особенно это актуально для новичков. Одна из частых проблем заключается в том, что при попытке зайти на роутер по ( или через у пользователя появляется ошибка «страница не найдена» и веб-интерфейс не открывается. Для её решения существуют следующие способы.

1. Попробуйте другой веб-браузер. Часто приходится сталкиваться с тем, что из-за сбоя в работе или кривого кеша из веб-браузера не получается зайти на роутер. Попробуйте почистить кеш и куки-файлы. Не поможет — воспользуйтесь другим браузером. Как показывает практика, лучше всего для доступа к настройкам сетевых устройств через подходит Internet Explorer и Microsoft Edge. Так же можно попробовать сделать попытку входа используя безопасный режим браузера. В Google Chrome этот режим называется «Инкогнито».

2. Отключите антивирусные программы и брандмауэр. Очень часто с компьютера не заходит на роутер из-за того, что он по какой-то причине блокируется антивирусом. Яркий пример — Kaspersky Free Antivirus, который приходится полностью деактивировать чтобы попасть в конфигуратор модема или маршрутизатора.

3. Проверьте настройки сетевой карты. Очень часто приходится сталкиваться с тем, что у пользователей в параметрах сетевой платы прописаны какие попало адреса. Само-собой, при таких настройках зайти на роутере по или у Вас не получится. Чтобы это проверить откройте параметры Windows и зайдите в раздел Сеть и Интернет | Ethernet. и кликните по строчке «Настройка параметров адаптера»:

Дальше в списке сетевых подключений выберите тот адаптер, через который Вы подключены к маршрутизатору или модему и кликните по нему правой кнопкой. Выберите пункт меню «Свойства», чтобы открылось такое окно:

Дважды кликаем по строчке IP версии 4 (TCP/IPv4) и видим вот такое окно:

В большинстве случаев для успешного подключения к роутеру достаточно оставить получение адресов в автоматическом режиме. Если же таким образом вход на D-Link, TP-Link или Tenda через недоступен — поробуйте прописать параметры вручную:

Прописываем значения как на рисунке:

IP-адрес -
маска -
Шлюз -

нажимаем на кнопку «ОК» и проверяем доступ на сетевое устройство.

4. Попробуйте подключится к маршрутизатору с телефона через беспроводную сеть WiFi. Для этого у многих производителей даже есть специальные мобильные приложения для настройки роутеров. Например, TP-Link Tether, D-Link WiFi, Zyxel My.Keenetic и т.п.

5. Если ничего не помогло — попробуйте сделать сброс настроек роутера кнопкой Reset.
Она находится на задней части корпуса устройства. Для нажатия используйте скрепку или карандаш. Удерживать Ресет в нажатом состоянии надо примерно 8-10 секунд, после чего отпустить.

Steps to avoid blocking on a trusted computer through Netgear AD7200 Smart Wi-Fi router

  • Launch a browser in your computer connected to the home network.
  • Type or as the web address bar of the browser. While encountering connection error, the user can switch any of it to get to the web address bar of the browser.
  • Hit enter button and Netgear Router login screen appear on the screen.
  • Mention the login credentials on the login window of the router screen.
  • Click on OK button and the home screen of appears on the screen.
  • Go to the advanced tab, click on the Security tab and then click on the block sites tab.
  • Block Sites page get displayed on the screen.
  • Scroll down your page and select “Allow Trusted IP address to visit blocked websites checkbox”
  • Type down the IP address of a trusted computer in a Trusted IP address field.
  • Click on the Apply button and the changes you made will get saved.

 How to change the MTU size in the Netgear AD7200 Wi-Fi router?

MTU is basically a maximum amount of data that can be sent over a segment. MTU determines the largest amount of data packets that can be transferred in a segment. The more amount of data packet will be sent in a segment, the more amount of speed will a user will receive. Default MTU size of a Netgear router is considered as 1400 and is advised to not be changed as it can cause various connection problems. MTU size of a Netgear Router can be changed through the web interface of the or can also be through the Netgear Genie app.

Steps to avoid blocking on a trusted computer through Netgear AD7200 Smart Wi-Fi router

  • Launch a browser in your computer connected to the home network.
  • Type or as the web address bar of the browser. While encountering connection error, the user can switch any of it to get to the web address bar of the browser.
  • Hit enter button and Netgear Router login screen appear on the screen.
  • Mention the login credentials on the login window of the router screen.
  • Click on OK button and the home screen of appears on the screen.
  • Go to the advanced tab, click on the Security tab and then click on the block sites tab.
  • Block Sites page get displayed on the screen.
  • Scroll down your page and select “Allow Trusted IP address to visit blocked websites checkbox”
  • Type down the IP address of a trusted computer in a Trusted IP address field.
  • Click on the Apply button and the changes you made will get saved.

 How to change the MTU size in the Netgear AD7200 Wi-Fi router?

MTU is basically a maximum amount of data that can be sent over a segment. MTU determines the largest amount of data packets that can be transferred in a segment. The more amount of data packet will be sent in a segment, the more amount of speed will a user will receive. Default MTU size of a Netgear router is considered as 1400 and is advised to not be changed as it can cause various connection problems. MTU size of a Netgear Router can be changed through the web interface of the or can also be through the Netgear Genie app.

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