Ipv6 test


IPv6 in Ukraine

These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth in Ukraine over time.

They are generated using the data collected by the ipv6-test.com connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.

Overall IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Ukraine

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for all our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect almost 100% of hosts supporting IPv4 with a slow growth for IPv6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Ukraine (Jul 2019)

  ISP IPv6 tests count
1. PE Freehost 4,581
2. NetAssist 228
3. Hurricane Electric LLC 109
4. Triolan 72
5. XServer network 56
6. WildPark Co 33
7. Private Enterprise «Law Firm «Status» 30
8. GlobalLogic 16
9. Ukrtelecom 14
11. Kyivstar GSM 10
12. PE Pashinska Oksana Vasulivna 6
13. Lds 6
14. Golden Fiber network 6
15. Dnepronet Ltd. 5

IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Ukraine (unique addresses)

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for unique users of our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect a slow growth towards 50% v4 / 50% v6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Ukraine (unique addresses, Jul 2019)

  ISP Unique IPv6 addresses
1. NetAssist 122
2. PE Freehost 101
3. Hurricane Electric LLC 68
4. Triolan 48
5. WildPark Co 24
6. Private Enterprise «Law Firm «Status» 20
7. GlobalLogic 13
8. Kyivstar GSM 10
10. Ukrtelecom 5
11. PE Pashinska Oksana Vasulivna 4
12. Lds 4
13. XServer network 1
14. Dnepronet Ltd. 1
15. Golden Fiber network 1

Default browser protocol in Ukraine

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 when visiting the ipv6-test connection test.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the v6 part will grow taller than the v4 one.

Default browser protocol in Ukraine (dual-stack users)

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 for users that have both v4 and v6 connectivity.

Usually a system will default to v6 when it’s available, but in some cases with tunneled connections, v4 stays the default.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 default in Ukraine (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1. Hurricane Electric LLC 109 0.0% 109 100.0%
2. XServer network 56 0.0% 56 100.0%
3. Private Enterprise «Law Firm «Status» 30 0.0% 30 100.0%
4. PE Freehost 4,581 2 0.0% 4,579 100.0%
5. GlobalLogic 16 1 6.3% 15 93.8%
6. NetAssist 228 27 11.8% 201 88.2%
7. WildPark Co 33 4 12.1% 29 87.9%
8. Triolan 72 10 13.9% 62 86.1%
9. PE Pashinska Oksana Vasulivna 6 1 16.7% 5 83.3%
10. KuMIR TELECOM 14 4 28.6% 10 71.4%
11. Lds 6 4 66.7% 2 33.3%
12. Kyivstar GSM 10 9 90.0% 1 10.0%
13. Ukrtelecom 14 14 100.0% 0.0%
14. Dnepronet Ltd. 5 5 100.0% 0.0%
15. Golden Fiber network 6 6 100.0% 0.0%

IPv6 address types in Ukraine

Here you can see the evolution of address types over time, and measure usage of 6to4 and Teredo tunneled connectivity.

It should be noted that because 6rd works with native addresses, it cannot be detected here as tunneled. This is also the case with VPN based tunnels.

Downstream bandwidth in Ukraine

This graph illustrates the connection speed gap between IPv4 and IPv6, numbers represent v6 speed as percentage of v4 speed.

The lower IPv6 speeds are often caused by tunneling overhead or insufficient v6 connectivity or peering capacity at ISPs.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 speed in Ukraine (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv6 average
1. KuMIR TELECOM 14 100.2 Mbps
2. WildPark Co 33 40.9 Mbps
3. Triolan 72 35.2 Mbps
4. Dnepronet Ltd. 5 32.1 Mbps
5. NetAssist 228 30.8 Mbps
6. Hurricane Electric LLC 109 22.2 Mbps
7. GlobalLogic 16 11.2 Mbps
8. Ukrtelecom 14 0.7 Mbps
9. PE Pashinska Oksana Vasulivna 6 0.5 Mbps
10. XServer network 56 0.0 Mbps
11. PE Freehost 4,581 0.0 Mbps
12. Private Enterprise «Law Firm «Status» 30 0.0 Mbps
13. Kyivstar GSM 10 0.0 Mbps
14. Lds 6 0.0 Mbps
15. Golden Fiber network 6 0.0 Mbps

Отдельный домен или поддомен

Простейшее решение – создать альтернативный домен (или поддомен, к примеру ), на котором прописать только AAAA-запись. Сами же материалы, которые должны быть доступны только по IPv6, разместить в каталоге virtual host, соответствующем этому домену.

У этого способа есть несколько недостатков:

  • Если ваш веб-сервер слушает также и на IPv4, клиенты смогут в своих файлах прописать в соответствие этому домену ваш IPv4-адрес, и таким образом получить доступ к нужному им виртуальному хосту, даже подключаясь к серверу по IPv4;
  • Необходимость размещать IPv6-ресурсы на отдельном домене, а это не всегда удобно;
  • Нет возможности выдать пытающимся подключиться к такому домену, но не имеющим IPv6-доступа пользователям, понятное сообщение об ошибке (к примеру: «данный сайт доступен только по IPv6, установите/настройте его по этой инструкции »). Браузер просто выдаст им своё сообщение «Адрес не найден».

Проверка клиентского адреса

Гораздо более гибкий способ заключается в проверке адреса, с которого подключился клиент. В простейшем варианте, отличать IPv6 от IPv4 можно по наличию в последнем точек. 🙂 Можно и наоборот, смотреть на наличие двоеточия в IPv6, но такой вариант менее надёжен, т.к. в зависимости от настройки, ваша ОС и сервер могут работать с т.н. IPv6-mapped IPv4-адресами, и все клиентские IPv4 будут видны вам в логах и проверках как (соотв-но двоеточие в адресе будет присутствовать всегда).

Также, при использовании этого способа lighttpd даёт возможность переопределить отображаемую клиенту страницу с сообщением об ошибке на произвольный HTML-файл.

По поводу выдаваемого кода HTTP для подключающихся по IPv4 клиентов, мне видится два варианта:

  • , с собственным текстом сообщения в HTML-странице («403 No IPv4 Allowed» :).
  • , среди существующих кодов ответа HTTP, этот малоизвестный код редиректа показался мне более всего подходящим для перенаправления части посетителей на страницу с информацией о том, почему им не доступен ресурс, который они пытались открыть. К сожалению, возможность переопределять код редиректа появилась только начиная с ветки lighttpd 1.5, я же пока пользуюсь 1.4, поэтому данный вариант не тестировал.

Запрет IPv4-доступа

Запрещаем IPv4-доступ к каталогу на сайте :

h1>403 No IPv4 Allowedh1>
p>Sorry, this is an IPv6-only resource. Please get yourself IPv6 if you want to access it.p>
$HTTP"host" == "example.com" {
  $HTTP"url" =~ "^/goodies.*" {
    $HTTP"remoteip" =~ "\." {
      url.access-deny = ("")
      server.errorfile-prefix = "/var/www/error-ipv6only-"

Сохраняем конфиг, перезапускаем веб-сервер, и всё готово. 🙂


$ curl -I4 http://example.com/goodies/
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

$ curl -I6 http://example.com/goodies/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Ограничение скорости

Помимо полного запрета доступа с IPv4, lighttpd также предоставляет нам возможность вместо этого ограничить его скорость любой величиной, начиная от 32 КБ/сек. К примеру, вместо полного запрета выставляем суммарный лимит скорости всех IPv4-соединений, загружающих файлы из каталога , в 256 КБ/сек:

$HTTP"host" == "example.com" {
  $HTTP"url" =~ "^/goodies.*" {
    $HTTP"remoteip" =~ "\." {
      server.kbytes-per-second = 256

lighttpd-ipv6-only.txt · Последние изменения: 2011-07-29 08:37 UTC От rm

IPv6 in Finland

These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth in Finland over time.

They are generated using the data collected by the ipv6-test.com connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.

Overall IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Finland

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for all our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect almost 100% of hosts supporting IPv4 with a slow growth for IPv6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Finland (Jul 2019)

  ISP IPv6 tests count
1. DNA Oyj 476
2. Elisa Oyj 465
3. Creanova 172
4. CJSC «ER-Telecom Holding» Yoshkar-Ola branch 67
5. Hetzner Online GmbH 48
6. Teliasonera-fi-net 6rd 33
7. Empor Oy 33
8. Lounea Oy 26
9. Ficolo Oy 23
10. Oy Multi.fi Finland Ab Ltd 15
11. Choopa 14
12. Funet 2001:708:10::/48 9
13. Teliasonera 9
14. Hurricane Electric LLC 8

IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Finland (unique addresses)

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for unique users of our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect a slow growth towards 50% v4 / 50% v6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Finland (unique addresses, Jul 2019)

  ISP Unique IPv6 addresses
1. Elisa Oyj 271
2. DNA Oyj 242
3. CJSC «ER-Telecom Holding» Yoshkar-Ola branch 45
4. Teliasonera-fi-net 6rd 21
5. Ficolo Oy 17
6. Hetzner Online GmbH 15
7. Empor Oy 15
8. Creanova 9
9. Hurricane Electric LLC 8
10. Teliasonera 7
11. Oy Multi.fi Finland Ab Ltd 6
12. Funet 2001:708:10::/48 2
13. Lounea Oy 2
14. Choopa 1

Default browser protocol in Finland

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 when visiting the ipv6-test connection test.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the v6 part will grow taller than the v4 one.

Default browser protocol in Finland (dual-stack users)

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 for users that have both v4 and v6 connectivity.

Usually a system will default to v6 when it’s available, but in some cases with tunneled connections, v4 stays the default.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 default in Finland (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1. Choopa 14 0.0% 14 100.0%
2. Funet 2001:708:10::/48 9 0.0% 9 100.0%
3. Lounea Oy 26 0.0% 26 100.0%
4. Empor Oy 33 1 3.0% 32 97.0%
5. Elisa Oyj 465 34 7.3% 431 92.7%
6. CJSC «ER-Telecom Holding» Yoshkar-Ola branch 67 6 9.0% 61 91.0%
7. Teliasonera-fi-net 6rd 33 4 12.1% 29 87.9%
8. Hurricane Electric LLC 8 1 12.5% 7 87.5%
9. Creanova 172 40 23.3% 132 76.7%
10. DNA Oyj 476 118 24.8% 358 75.2%
11. Hetzner Online GmbH 48 23 47.9% 25 52.1%
12. Teliasonera 9 8 88.9% 1 11.1%
13. Ficolo Oy 23 21 91.3% 2 8.7%
14. Oy Multi.fi Finland Ab Ltd 15 15 100.0% 0.0%

IPv6 address types in Finland

Here you can see the evolution of address types over time, and measure usage of 6to4 and Teredo tunneled connectivity.

It should be noted that because 6rd works with native addresses, it cannot be detected here as tunneled. This is also the case with VPN based tunnels.

Downstream bandwidth in Finland

This graph illustrates the connection speed gap between IPv4 and IPv6, numbers represent v6 speed as percentage of v4 speed.

The lower IPv6 speeds are often caused by tunneling overhead or insufficient v6 connectivity or peering capacity at ISPs.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 speed in Finland (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv6 average
1. Hurricane Electric LLC 8 469.0 Mbps
2. DNA Oyj 476 182.4 Mbps
3. Funet 2001:708:10::/48 9 64.7 Mbps
4. Teliasonera 9 58.8 Mbps
5. Teliasonera-fi-net 6rd 33 48.3 Mbps
6. Hetzner Online GmbH 48 33.6 Mbps
7. Elisa Oyj 465 33.0 Mbps
8. Empor Oy 33 14.8 Mbps
9. Ficolo Oy 23 11.9 Mbps
10. Creanova 172 3.6 Mbps
11. Oy Multi.fi Finland Ab Ltd 15 1.8 Mbps
12. CJSC «ER-Telecom Holding» Yoshkar-Ola branch 67 0.0 Mbps
13. Choopa 14 0.0 Mbps
14. Lounea Oy 26 0.0 Mbps

IPv6 in Belgium

These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth in Belgium over time.

They are generated using the data collected by the ipv6-test.com connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.

Overall IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Belgium

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for all our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect almost 100% of hosts supporting IPv4 with a slow growth for IPv6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Belgium (Jul 2019)

  ISP IPv6 tests count
1. Telenet BVBA 507
2. Voo 325
3. Edpnet 140
4. Belgacom 131
5. M247 Ltd 61
6. Dcstar 57
7. Vos Steve Sofie 48
8. DCoostkamp colo 42
9. Kuleuven 28
10. Hurricane Electric LLC 13
11. Cedric Rossius 11
12. Telenet 7

IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Belgium (unique addresses)

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for unique users of our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect a slow growth towards 50% v4 / 50% v6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Belgium (unique addresses, Jul 2019)

  ISP Unique IPv6 addresses
1. Telenet BVBA 267
2. Voo 159
3. Belgacom 92
4. Edpnet 36
5. M247 Ltd 8
6. Hurricane Electric LLC 6
7. Telenet 6
8. Cedric Rossius 6
9. Kuleuven 4
10. DCoostkamp colo 1
11. Dcstar 1
12. Vos Steve Sofie 1

Default browser protocol in Belgium

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 when visiting the ipv6-test connection test.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the v6 part will grow taller than the v4 one.

Default browser protocol in Belgium (dual-stack users)

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 for users that have both v4 and v6 connectivity.

Usually a system will default to v6 when it’s available, but in some cases with tunneled connections, v4 stays the default.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 default in Belgium (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1. Dcstar 57 0.0% 57 100.0%
2. Vos Steve Sofie 48 0.0% 48 100.0%
3. Cedric Rossius 11 0.0% 11 100.0%
4. Voo 325 14 4.3% 311 95.7%
5. Hurricane Electric LLC 13 1 7.7% 12 92.3%
6. Belgacom 131 13 9.9% 118 90.1%
7. Telenet BVBA 507 60 11.8% 447 88.2%
8. Edpnet 140 27 19.3% 113 80.7%
9. M247 Ltd 61 13 21.3% 48 78.7%
10. Kuleuven 28 9 32.1% 19 67.9%
11. Telenet 7 4 57.1% 3 42.9%
12. DCoostkamp colo 42 42 100.0% 0.0%

IPv6 address types in Belgium

Here you can see the evolution of address types over time, and measure usage of 6to4 and Teredo tunneled connectivity.

It should be noted that because 6rd works with native addresses, it cannot be detected here as tunneled. This is also the case with VPN based tunnels.

Downstream bandwidth in Belgium

This graph illustrates the connection speed gap between IPv4 and IPv6, numbers represent v6 speed as percentage of v4 speed.

The lower IPv6 speeds are often caused by tunneling overhead or insufficient v6 connectivity or peering capacity at ISPs.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 speed in Belgium (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv6 average
1. Telenet 7 127.4 Mbps
2. Voo 325 82.4 Mbps
3. Telenet BVBA 507 77.6 Mbps
4. Edpnet 140 57.2 Mbps
5. Belgacom 131 50.9 Mbps
6. M247 Ltd 61 22.5 Mbps
7. DCoostkamp colo 42 0.0 Mbps
8. Dcstar 57 0.0 Mbps
9. Vos Steve Sofie 48 0.0 Mbps
10. Hurricane Electric LLC 13 0.0 Mbps
11. Kuleuven 28 0.0 Mbps
12. Cedric Rossius 11 0.0 Mbps

IPv6 in Taiwan

These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth in Taiwan over time.

They are generated using the data collected by the ipv6-test.com connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.

Overall IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Taiwan

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for all our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect almost 100% of hosts supporting IPv4 with a slow growth for IPv6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Taiwan (Jul 2019)

  ISP IPv6 tests count
1. Hinet Twnic 2,908
2. Fetnet 268
3. Taiwanmobile 124
4. Tanet-twnic 75
5. ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH 49
6. Etwebs-twnic 36
7. Tbcnet 18
8. Hurricane Electric LLC 10
9. Elanet 9
10. Gsn-twnic 9
11. Google LLC 6

IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Taiwan (unique addresses)

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for unique users of our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect a slow growth towards 50% v4 / 50% v6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Taiwan (unique addresses, Jul 2019)

  ISP Unique IPv6 addresses
1. Hinet Twnic 1,769
2. Fetnet 180
3. Taiwanmobile 93
4. Tanet-twnic 41
5. Etwebs-twnic 21
6. Tbcnet 10
7. Hurricane Electric LLC 9
8. Elanet 9
9. Google LLC 5
10. Gsn-twnic 4
11. ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH 1

Default browser protocol in Taiwan

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 when visiting the ipv6-test connection test.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the v6 part will grow taller than the v4 one.

Default browser protocol in Taiwan (dual-stack users)

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 for users that have both v4 and v6 connectivity.

Usually a system will default to v6 when it’s available, but in some cases with tunneled connections, v4 stays the default.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 default in Taiwan (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1. Google LLC 6 0.0% 6 100.0%
2. ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH 49 0.0% 49 100.0%
3. Gsn-twnic 9 0.0% 9 100.0%
4. Taiwanmobile 124 8 6.5% 116 93.5%
5. Fetnet 268 24 9.0% 244 91.0%
6. Hurricane Electric LLC 10 1 10.0% 9 90.0%
7. Tbcnet 18 2 11.1% 16 88.9%
8. Hinet Twnic 2,908 397 13.7% 2,511 86.3%
9. Etwebs-twnic 36 8 22.2% 28 77.8%
10. Tanet-twnic 75 25 33.3% 50 66.7%
11. Elanet 9 9 100.0% 0.0%

IPv6 address types in Taiwan

Here you can see the evolution of address types over time, and measure usage of 6to4 and Teredo tunneled connectivity.

It should be noted that because 6rd works with native addresses, it cannot be detected here as tunneled. This is also the case with VPN based tunnels.

Downstream bandwidth in Taiwan

This graph illustrates the connection speed gap between IPv4 and IPv6, numbers represent v6 speed as percentage of v4 speed.

The lower IPv6 speeds are often caused by tunneling overhead or insufficient v6 connectivity or peering capacity at ISPs.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 speed in Taiwan (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv6 average
1. Tbcnet 18 54.4 Mbps
2. Hinet Twnic 2,908 19.8 Mbps
3. Tanet-twnic 75 19.3 Mbps
4. Fetnet 268 13.4 Mbps
5. Etwebs-twnic 36 13.3 Mbps
6. Taiwanmobile 124 8.4 Mbps
7. Hurricane Electric LLC 10 0.0 Mbps
8. Google LLC 6 0.0 Mbps
9. Elanet 9 0.0 Mbps
10. ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH 49 0.0 Mbps
11. Gsn-twnic 9 0.0 Mbps

IPv6 in Sweden

These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth in Sweden over time.

They are generated using the data collected by the ipv6-test.com connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.

Overall IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Sweden

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for all our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect almost 100% of hosts supporting IPv4 with a slow growth for IPv6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Sweden (Jul 2019)

  ISP IPv6 tests count
1. Hurricane Electric LLC 761
2. 31173 Services AB 150
3. HERN Labs AB 121
4. Telianet 53
5. GleSYS Internet Services AB 52
6. PrivActuallyV6 33
7. Tele2 30
8. Stockholms Stadsnat AB 27
9. Bahnhof 26
10. City Network Hosting AB 25
11. Obenetwork Network 23
12. Ovpn 23
13. Telia Company AB 17
14. Dfri 15
15. Bredband2 AB 15
16. Hi3g 15
17. Comhem 10
18. Gavle Energi AB 8
19. Bredband2 7
20. Fiber Direkt i Sverige AB 5

IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Sweden (unique addresses)

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for unique users of our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect a slow growth towards 50% v4 / 50% v6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Sweden (unique addresses, Jul 2019)

  ISP Unique IPv6 addresses
1. Hurricane Electric LLC 293
2. HERN Labs AB 85
3. Telianet 31
4. PrivActuallyV6 25
5. Tele2 24
6. Bahnhof 20
7. 31173 Services AB 19
8. Ovpn 16
9. Obenetwork Network 15
10. Stockholms Stadsnat AB 10
11. Hi3g 9
12. Comhem 9
13. Bredband2 AB 7
14. Gavle Energi AB 5
15. Dfri 4
16. Bredband2 3
17. City Network Hosting AB 3
18. Telia Company AB 3
19. Fiber Direkt i Sverige AB 3
20. GleSYS Internet Services AB 2

Default browser protocol in Sweden

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 when visiting the ipv6-test connection test.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the v6 part will grow taller than the v4 one.

Default browser protocol in Sweden (dual-stack users)

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 for users that have both v4 and v6 connectivity.

Usually a system will default to v6 when it’s available, but in some cases with tunneled connections, v4 stays the default.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 default in Sweden (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1. Ovpn 23 0.0% 23 100.0%
2. GleSYS Internet Services AB 52 0.0% 52 100.0%
3. Tele2 30 0.0% 30 100.0%
4. Gavle Energi AB 8 0.0% 8 100.0%
5. PrivActuallyV6 33 0.0% 33 100.0%
6. Obenetwork Network 23 0.0% 23 100.0%
7. Bahnhof 26 2 7.7% 24 92.3%
8. Telianet 53 7 13.2% 46 86.8%
9. Hi3g 15 2 13.3% 13 86.7%
10. Hurricane Electric LLC 761 103 13.5% 658 86.5%
11. HERN Labs AB 121 20 16.5% 101 83.5%
12. Comhem 10 2 20.0% 8 80.0%
13. Stockholms Stadsnat AB 27 6 22.2% 21 77.8%
14. Fiber Direkt i Sverige AB 5 2 40.0% 3 60.0%
15. Dfri 15 8 53.3% 7 46.7%
16. City Network Hosting AB 25 17 68.0% 8 32.0%
17. Bredband2 7 5 71.4% 2 28.6%
18. 31173 Services AB 150 143 95.3% 7 4.7%
19. Telia Company AB 17 17 100.0% 0.0%
20. Bredband2 AB 15 15 100.0% 0.0%

IPv6 address types in Sweden

Here you can see the evolution of address types over time, and measure usage of 6to4 and Teredo tunneled connectivity.

It should be noted that because 6rd works with native addresses, it cannot be detected here as tunneled. This is also the case with VPN based tunnels.

Downstream bandwidth in Sweden

This graph illustrates the connection speed gap between IPv4 and IPv6, numbers represent v6 speed as percentage of v4 speed.

The lower IPv6 speeds are often caused by tunneling overhead or insufficient v6 connectivity or peering capacity at ISPs.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 speed in Sweden (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv6 average
1. Fiber Direkt i Sverige AB 5 138.2 Mbps
2. Bahnhof 26 80.2 Mbps
3. Stockholms Stadsnat AB 27 75.3 Mbps
4. Comhem 10 74.3 Mbps
5. Telianet 53 57.6 Mbps
6. Obenetwork Network 23 53.4 Mbps
7. Hurricane Electric LLC 761 41.2 Mbps
8. Bredband2 7 34.2 Mbps
9. Ovpn 23 34.0 Mbps
10. Bredband2 AB 15 28.8 Mbps
11. HERN Labs AB 121 7.5 Mbps
12. Telia Company AB 17 6.8 Mbps
13. Dfri 15 6.1 Mbps
14. City Network Hosting AB 25 4.0 Mbps
15. Tele2 30 2.2 Mbps
16. 31173 Services AB 150 0.2 Mbps
17. Gavle Energi AB 8 0.0 Mbps
18. GleSYS Internet Services AB 52 0.0 Mbps
19. PrivActuallyV6 33 0.0 Mbps
20. Hi3g 15 0.0 Mbps

IPv6 in Indonesia

These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth in Indonesia over time.

They are generated using the data collected by the ipv6-test.com connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.

Overall IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Indonesia

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for all our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect almost 100% of hosts supporting IPv4 with a slow growth for IPv6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Indonesia (Jul 2019)

  ISP IPv6 tests count
1. Hurricane Electric LLC 59
2. PT Qwords Company International 51
3. Tlkm BB Broadband Cust NAS 38
4. Axarva Media Teknologi 19
5. Chinanet 8

IPv6 and v4 protocol support in Indonesia (unique addresses)

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for unique users of our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect a slow growth towards 50% v4 / 50% v6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in Indonesia (unique addresses, Jul 2019)

  ISP Unique IPv6 addresses
1. Hurricane Electric LLC 28
2. Tlkm BB Broadband Cust NAS 27
3. Axarva Media Teknologi 9
4. Chinanet 7
5. PT Qwords Company International 1

Default browser protocol in Indonesia

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 when visiting the ipv6-test connection test.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the v6 part will grow taller than the v4 one.

Default browser protocol in Indonesia (dual-stack users)

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 for users that have both v4 and v6 connectivity.

Usually a system will default to v6 when it’s available, but in some cases with tunneled connections, v4 stays the default.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 default in Indonesia (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1. Axarva Media Teknologi 19 0.0% 19 100.0%
2. Hurricane Electric LLC 59 6 10.2% 53 89.8%
3. Tlkm BB Broadband Cust NAS 38 10 26.3% 28 73.7%
4. Chinanet 8 3 37.5% 5 62.5%
5. PT Qwords Company International 51 51 100.0% 0.0%

IPv6 address types in Indonesia

Here you can see the evolution of address types over time, and measure usage of 6to4 and Teredo tunneled connectivity.

It should be noted that because 6rd works with native addresses, it cannot be detected here as tunneled. This is also the case with VPN based tunnels.

Downstream bandwidth in Indonesia

This graph illustrates the connection speed gap between IPv4 and IPv6, numbers represent v6 speed as percentage of v4 speed.

The lower IPv6 speeds are often caused by tunneling overhead or insufficient v6 connectivity or peering capacity at ISPs.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 speed in Indonesia (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv6 average
1. Chinanet 8 8.9 Mbps
2. Tlkm BB Broadband Cust NAS 38 3.6 Mbps
3. Hurricane Electric LLC 59 2.6 Mbps
4. PT Qwords Company International 51 0.0 Mbps
5. Axarva Media Teknologi 19 0.0 Mbps


Full URLS shown below have both A and AAAA records.
The IPv4 and IPv6 only alternatives have only A and AAAA records respectively.
They can be used for testing connectivity over a particular protocol.
Note that not all of the IPv6 addresses are expected to answer.

URL Description
(IPv6 only)
(IP only)
Normal site with both IP and IPv6.
The default config in most cases it to connect with IPv6 if it is available.
If you have IPv6 and that doesn’t happen, check your browser settings
(network.dns.disableIPv6 in Firefox) and OS configuration.
(IPv6 only)
(IP only)
Service listening only on IP address.
IPv6 port is open in firewall and should send TCP RST.
This is what happens if there is a server that does not listen on
IPv6. Clients should fall back to IPv4 immediately.
(IPv6 only)
(IP only)
IPv6 host that does not exist on a valid subnet.
(IPv6 only)
(IP only)
IPv6 subnet that does not exist on our network.
(IPv6 only)
(IP only)
Service listening on IP only, IPv6 port silently drops TCP SYN.
# iptables --list | grep 908
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:9080
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:9081

# ip6tables --list | grep 908
ACCEPT     tcp      anywhere             anywhere           tcp dpt:9080
# 9081 is closed

# Apache
# NameVirtualHost is expected to be Yes
# UseCanonicalName is expected to be No

    ServerAdmin ipv6-support@cns.vt.edu
    ServerName ipv6-test.cns.vt.edu
    #ServerAlias www.dummy-host.example.com
    #ErrorLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-error_log
    #CustomLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-access_log common

    # Bind only to v4 address.
    # V6 port should be open and send RST.
    ServerAdmin ipv6-support@cns.vt.edu
    ServerName ipv6-test-nolisten.cns.vt.edu

    # Bind only to v4 address.
    # V6 address not on any host but on this subnet
    ServerAdmin ipv6-support@cns.vt.edu
    ServerName ipv6-test-nohost6.cns.vt.edu

    # Bind only to v4 address.
    # V6 address on a subnet that does not exist
    ServerAdmin ipv6-support@cns.vt.edu
    ServerName ipv6-test-nosubnet6.cns.vt.edu

    # Bind only to v4 address.
    # V6 address blocked by firewall.
    ServerAdmin ipv6-support@cns.vt.edu
    ServerName ipv6-test-iwf6.cns.vt.edu


IPv6 in France

These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth in France over time.

They are generated using the data collected by the ipv6-test.com connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.

Overall IPv6 and v4 protocol support in France

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for all our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect almost 100% of hosts supporting IPv4 with a slow growth for IPv6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in France (Jul 2019)

  ISP IPv6 tests count
1. ProXad network / Free 1,245
2. Orange S.A. 1,224
3. Bouygues Telecom ISP Wireline 918
4. Hurricane Electric LLC 316
5. Ovh 223
6. Sfr 213
7. Online S.A.S. 201
8. Ovh Sas 103
9. Bouygtel-isp 81
10. Free SAS 77
11. Knet 55
12. M247 Ltd 55
13. Ikoula Ripe 51
14. Brenac Eurl 34
15. Anexia 29
16. Tetaneutral.net 28
17. Contina 20
18. DSP Herault Telecom 20
19. Choopa 19
20. Optilian 14
21. Gitoyen Network 13
22. Orange Slovensko a.s. 11
23. Lab06 Ltd 7
24. Level 3 Communications 7
25. SHPV Infrastructure 7

IPv6 and v4 protocol support in France (unique addresses)

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for unique users of our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect a slow growth towards 50% v4 / 50% v6.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 in France (unique addresses, Jul 2019)

  ISP Unique IPv6 addresses
1. ProXad network / Free 749
2. Bouygues Telecom ISP Wireline 701
3. Orange S.A. 637
4. Sfr 124
5. Hurricane Electric LLC 108
6. Bouygtel-isp 65
7. Ovh 54
8. Online S.A.S. 53
9. Ovh Sas 47
10. Free SAS 45
11. Knet 17
12. Optilian 14
13. Brenac Eurl 12
14. Choopa 8
15. Orange Slovensko a.s. 8
16. M247 Ltd 7
17. Tetaneutral.net 6
18. Gitoyen Network 6
19. DSP Herault Telecom 4
20. Renater 4
21. Belgacom 3
22. Level 3 Communications 3
23. Contina 3
24. Lab06 Ltd 2
25. DSP Medialys 2

Default browser protocol in France

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 when visiting the ipv6-test connection test.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the v6 part will grow taller than the v4 one.

Default browser protocol in France (dual-stack users)

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 for users that have both v4 and v6 connectivity.

Usually a system will default to v6 when it’s available, but in some cases with tunneled connections, v4 stays the default.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 default in France (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1. DSP Medialys 5 0.0% 5 100.0%
2. Belgacom 6 0.0% 6 100.0%
3. Orange Slovensko a.s. 11 0.0% 11 100.0%
4. Ikoula Ripe 51 0.0% 51 100.0%
5. Optilian 14 0.0% 14 100.0%
6. Anexia 29 0.0% 29 100.0%
7. Bouygtel-isp 81 3 3.7% 78 96.3%
8. DSP Herault Telecom 20 1 5.0% 19 95.0%
9. Gitoyen Network 13 1 7.7% 12 92.3%
10. Bouygues Telecom ISP Wireline 918 75 8.2% 843 91.8%
11. Orange S.A. 1,224 110 9.0% 1,114 91.0%
12. Sfr 213 22 10.3% 191 89.7%
13. Choopa 19 2 10.5% 17 89.5%
14. Free SAS 77 10 13.0% 67 87.0%
15. Level 3 Communications 7 1 14.3% 6 85.7%
16. Knet 55 9 16.4% 46 83.6%
17. ProXad network / Free 1,245 221 17.8% 1,024 82.2%
18. Contina 20 4 20.0% 16 80.0%
19. Brenac Eurl 34 7 20.6% 27 79.4%
20. Hurricane Electric LLC 316 85 26.9% 231 73.1%
21. Ovh Sas 103 36 35.0% 67 65.0%
22. Ovh 223 80 35.9% 143 64.1%
23. Online S.A.S. 201 74 36.8% 127 63.2%
24. M247 Ltd 55 22 40.0% 33 60.0%
25. Lab06 Ltd 7 3 42.9% 4 57.1%

IPv6 address types in France

Here you can see the evolution of address types over time, and measure usage of 6to4 and Teredo tunneled connectivity.

It should be noted that because 6rd works with native addresses, it cannot be detected here as tunneled. This is also the case with VPN based tunnels.

Downstream bandwidth in France

This graph illustrates the connection speed gap between IPv4 and IPv6, numbers represent v6 speed as percentage of v4 speed.

The lower IPv6 speeds are often caused by tunneling overhead or insufficient v6 connectivity or peering capacity at ISPs.

Top 25 internet service providers for IPv6 speed in France (Jul 2019)

  ISP Test count IPv6 average
1. Free SAS 77 237.4 Mbps
2. Knet 55 223.0 Mbps
3. Orange S.A. 1,224 139.2 Mbps
4. Hurricane Electric LLC 316 124.0 Mbps
5. ProXad network / Free 1,245 92.8 Mbps
6. Sfr 213 87.7 Mbps
7. Renater 6 57.0 Mbps
8. M247 Ltd 55 34.7 Mbps
9. Bouygtel-isp 81 33.7 Mbps
10. Orange Slovensko a.s. 11 27.9 Mbps
11. Ovh 223 26.8 Mbps
12. Online S.A.S. 201 16.7 Mbps
13. Tetaneutral.net 28 15.7 Mbps
14. Bouygues Telecom ISP Wireline 918 9.9 Mbps
15. DSP Herault Telecom 20 8.6 Mbps
16. DSP Medialys 5 4.1 Mbps
17. Ovh Sas 103 3.5 Mbps
18. Gitoyen Network 13 2.3 Mbps
19. Brenac Eurl 34 0.0 Mbps
20. Lab06 Ltd 7 0.0 Mbps
21. SHPV Infrastructure 7 0.0 Mbps
22. Anexia 29 0.0 Mbps
23. Belgacom 6 0.0 Mbps
24. Choopa 19 0.0 Mbps
25. Optilian 14 0.0 Mbps
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