Vulkanrt что за программа

Сфера использования

Для каких же целей разрабатывался данный софт? Он предназначен для работы с двух- и трехмерной графикой, причем пользователь в состоянии контролировать графический процессор.

Таким образом можно изменять параметры и достичь баланса, когда при лучшем качестве картинки будут задействоваться минимальные ресурсы оборудования.

Благодаря своим характеристикам, отлично подходит для использования в компьютерных играх с трехмерной графикой.

Также может использоваться и для других тяжелых графических приложений.

При этом получаемый результат, обычно, гораздо выше, чем у ближайших конкурентов, в том числе у DirectX и Mantle.


Vulkan run time libraries что за программа

Уже на протяжении долгого времени многие пользователи ПК замечают появление подозрительного приложения под названием Vulkan run time libraries 1.0.

Конечно же, большинство людей посчитает, что это вирус или очередная навязанная программа, которая устанавливается при посещении недостоверных интернет-ресурсов.

Однако не стоит спешить с выводами, так как Vulkan run time libraries не имеет никаких вредоносных качеств и будет появляться вскоре в стандартном наборе софта у всех пользователей. Далее мы с вами рассмотрим причины появления программы и ее предназначение.

Что такое Vulkan run time libraries 1.0?

Vulkan run time libraries можно с уверенностью назвать новым поколением API для обработки и создания трехмерной и двухмерной графики. Впервые программа презентовалась еще в 2015 году компанией «Khronos Group» и тогда еще носила незатейливое название «glNext».

По мнению разработчиков (Lunarg inc) программа станет заменой привычного нам «OpenGL», и, прямо говоря, данный API оправдал свои ожидания.

Несмотря на то, что большинство пользователей до сих пор используют DirectX 12, Vulkan run time libraries затмевает его рядом больших преимуществ, что делает его достойной альтернативой с большими перспективами на будущее.

Первое, что нужно отметить – это кроссплатформенность. Если DirectX имеет возможность работать только на ОС Windows и Xbox, то Vulkan способен обрабатывать графику практически на всех известных платформах, в том числе на Android и Linux.

Для чего нужен Vulkan run time libraries?

Основной идеей программы являлось создание более эффективного инструмента для работы с графическими элементами и созданием игр. Софт позволил достичь максимальной производительности GPU с наименьшим коэффициентом потребления ресурсов.

Когда Open GL и DirectX предрасположены к работе только с одним ядром процессора, то Vulkan получил возможность распределять нагрузку по всем ядрам, тем самым увеличив производительность оборудования.

Распространение софта началось в 2016 году, поэтому большинство старых видеокарт не поддерживают Vulkan.

Однако, теперь даже бюджетные видеокарты смогут выжать из себя на много больше без какого-либо дополнительного разгона.

Разработчикам игр повезло еще больше – теперь обработка графических данных требует менее сложные сборки драйверов, и мониторинг графического процессора стал намного проще.

Откуда появляется Vulkan?

Nvidia заявила о поддержке программного обеспечения почти сразу, следовательно, почти все модели видеокарт, выпущенные после 2016 года, получают софт при обновлении драйверов.

Те, кто всегда устанавливают последние версии, заметят установку программы на свой компьютер. Что касается компании AMD Radeon, данное API поддерживается только оборудованием на базе CGN, что тоже радует.

Nvidia заявляет, что ПО поможет удовлетворить давние потребности владельцев слабого оборудования.

Во-первых, производительность графики в играх станет заметно больше, детализация увеличится за счет меньшей потребности ресурсов, и самое главное, повысится FPS более чем на 20%, и это еще не весь список благоприятных изменений.

Полезные советы

Как уже стало понятно, Vulkan run time libraries стал новым современным софтом для оптимизации и оптимальной работы графического процессора.

Рекомендуется как можно чаще обновлять драйвера видеокарты, так как новые версии программы всегда имеют больше плюсов и помогают в работе компьютера.

ПО расположено по адресу: C:\ Program Files \ VulkanRT \ #версия программы#.

Удалять программу не стоит. Отдельного установщика данного ПО не существует, и установить его можно только вместе с обновлением видеокарты. Если по каким-то причинам программа была удалена, установите драйвера заново с официального ресурса.


Программа Vulkan – это новая ступень развития API.

Для эффективной работы компьютерных игр и некоторых программ ПО является незаменимым инструментом с большой перспективой на будущее.

Не следует думать, что появление программы на вашем компьютере сразу увеличит производительность в несколько раз.

Внедрение API находится еще только на стадии развития, хотя появление игр с его поддержкой становится все чаще, а системных требований, соответственно, меньше. Беспокоиться об обновлениях не стоит: они автоматически приходят вместе с драйверами.

Любому современному любителю игр рекомендуется иметь в своем компьютере данный набор библиотек и следить за обновлениями любимых игр, так как, скорее всего и на них будет реализована поддержка данного API.

Distribution of legitimate and malicious software

Even if the software is legitimate, it can appear on the machine without you noticing. Nevertheless, as we already explained, it is a useful application that is capable of helping your GPU rendering graphics better and utilizing its functionality in general. Therefore, manufacturers of major graphics cards inject VulkanRT directly into users’ machines. Thus, if you noticed this program, do not worry – it is legitimate software.

However, if malware is hiding behind a genuine name, it is a different story. These malicious applications can sneak in in various ways, including:

  • Spam emails;
  • Unpatched software or operating system;
  • Fake updates, malicious ads, and redirects;
  • Malicious websites;
  • Poorly protected RDP, etc.


Средство для программирования имеет ряд положительных черт. Основные его преимущества таковы:

Кросплатформенность – оно исправно функционирует как на Windows, так и на Linux, Ubuntu, Apple, так как разработаны сборки для каждой из этих операционных систем;
Контроль за графическим процессором во время работы с Vulkan, позволяет проводить его тонкие подстройки для максимальной экономии ресурсов компьютера;
Исправная работа с многопоточными задачами, при минимальной нагрузке на процессор компьютера;
Эффективно работает с «легкими» драйверами различных типов;
Поддерживается драйверами различных видеокарт, а не только Nvidia, с которыми распространяется;

Значительное повышение FPS, что важно, особенно при онлайн-играх и работе с графическими приложениями;
Улучшенная детализация графических элементов, их подробная проработка и др.;
Общее увеличение производительности, что особенно заметно в играх.

Кроме преимуществ, есть и некоторые недостатки. Например, ряд игр и программ, традиционно использующих DirectX, могут в первое время конфликтовать с софтом Вулкан.

Но, обычно, существенного дискомфорта такое положение дел не вызывает.

В списке

To remove VulkanRT, follow these steps

Remove VulkanRT using Safe Mode with Networking

To eliminate malicious programs from your system, enter Safe Mode with Networking and run full system scan using security software:

  • Step 1: Reboot your computer to Safe Mode with Networking

    Windows 7 / Vista / XP

    1. Click Start → Shutdown → Restart → OK.
    2. When your computer becomes active, start pressing F8 multiple times until you see the Advanced Boot Options window.
    3. Select Safe Mode with Networking from the list

    Windows 10 / Windows 8

    1. Press the Power button at the Windows login screen. Now press and hold Shift, which is on your keyboard, and click Restart..
    2. Now select Troubleshoot → Advanced options → Startup Settings and finally press Restart.
    3. Once your computer becomes active, select Enable Safe Mode with Networking in Startup Settings window.
  • Step 2: Remove VulkanRT

    Log in to your infected account and start the browser. Download Reimage or other legitimate anti-spyware program. Update it before a full system scan and remove malicious files that belong to your ransomware and complete VulkanRT removal.

If your ransomware is blocking Safe Mode with Networking, try further method.

Remove VulkanRT using System Restore

You can also delete the virus using System Restore function:

  • Step 1: Reboot your computer to Safe Mode with Command Prompt

    Windows 7 / Vista / XP

    1. Click Start → Shutdown → Restart → OK.
    2. When your computer becomes active, start pressing F8 multiple times until you see the Advanced Boot Options window.
    3. Select Command Prompt from the list

    Windows 10 / Windows 8

    1. Press the Power button at the Windows login screen. Now press and hold Shift, which is on your keyboard, and click Restart..
    2. Now select Troubleshoot → Advanced options → Startup Settings and finally press Restart.
    3. Once your computer becomes active, select Enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt in Startup Settings window.
  • Step 2: Restore your system files and settings

    1. Once the Command Prompt window shows up, enter cd restore and click Enter.
    2. Now type rstrui.exe and press Enter again..
    3. When a new window shows up, click Next and select your restore point that is prior the infiltration of VulkanRT. After doing that, click Next.
    4. Now click Yes to start system restore.

    Once you restore your system to a previous date, download and scan your computer with Reimage and make sure that VulkanRT removal is performed successfully.

Finally, you should always think about the protection of crypto-ransomwares. In order to protect your computer from VulkanRT and other ransomwares, use a reputable anti-spyware, such as Reimage, SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner or Malwarebytes

About the author

Jake Doevan
— Computer technology expert

If this free removal guide helped you and you are satisfied with our service, please consider making a donation to keep this service alive. Even a smallest amount will be appreciated.

Contact Jake Doevan
About the company Esolutions


  1. Malware. Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. Tim Fisher. Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Lifewire. Tech Untangled.
  3. Virusi. Virusi. Croation security site.

Origin of Vulkan

Just like the previous graphics APIs, Vulkan is designed as a cross-platform
abstraction over GPUs.
The problem with most of these APIs is that the era in which they were designed
featured graphics hardware that was mostly limited to configurable fixed
functionality. Programmers had to provide the vertex data in a standard format
and were at the mercy of the GPU manufacturers with regards to lighting and
shading options.

As graphics card architectures matured, they started offering more and more
programmable functionality. All this new functionality had to be integrated with
the existing APIs somehow. This resulted in less than ideal abstractions and a
lot of guesswork on the graphics driver side to map the programmer’s intent to
the modern graphics architectures. That’s why there are so many driver updates
for improving the performance in games, sometimes by significant margins.
Because of the complexity of these drivers, application developers also need to
deal with inconsistencies between vendors, like the syntax that is accepted for
shaders. Aside from these new features,
the past decade also saw an influx of mobile devices with powerful graphics
hardware. These mobile GPUs have different architectures based on their energy
and space requirements. One such example is tiled rendering,
which would benefit from improved performance by offering the programmer more
control over this functionality. Another limitation originating from the age of
these APIs is limited multi-threading support, which can result in a bottleneck
on the CPU side.

Vulkan solves these problems by being designed from scratch for modern graphics
architectures. It reduces driver overhead by allowing programmers to clearly
specify their intent using a more verbose API, and allows multiple threads to
create and submit commands in parallel. It reduces inconsistencies in shader
compilation by switching to a standardized byte code format with a single
compiler. Lastly, it acknowledges the general purpose processing capabilities of
modern graphics cards by unifying the graphics and compute functionality into a
single API.

API concepts

This chapter will conclude with a short overview of how the Vulkan API is
structured at a lower level.

Coding conventions

All of the Vulkan functions, enumerations and structs are defined in the
header, which is included in the Vulkan SDK
developed by LunarG. We’ll look into installing this SDK in the next chapter.

Functions have a lower case prefix, types like enumerations and structs
have a prefix and enumeration values have a prefix. The API heavily
uses structs to provide parameters to functions. For example, object creation
generally follows this pattern:

Many structures in Vulkan require you to explicitly specify the type of
structure in the member. The member can point to an extension
structure and will always be in this tutorial. Functions that create
or destroy an object will have a parameter that allows you
to use a custom allocator for driver memory, which will also be left
in this tutorial.

Almost all functions return a that is either or an error
code. The specification describes which error codes each function can return and
what they mean.

Validation layers

As mentioned earlier, Vulkan is designed for high performance and low driver
overhead. Therefore it will include very limited error checking and debugging
capabilities by default. The driver will often crash instead of returning an
error code if you do something wrong, or worse, it will appear to work on your
graphics card and completely fail on others.

Vulkan allows you to enable extensive checks through a feature known as
validation layers. Validation layers are pieces of code that can be inserted
between the API and the graphics driver to do things like running extra checks
on function parameters and tracking memory management problems. The nice thing
is that you can enable them during development and then completely disable them
when releasing your application for zero overhead. Anyone can write their own
validation layers, but the Vulkan SDK by LunarG provides a standard set of
validation layers that we’ll be using in this tutorial. You also need to
register a callback function to receive debug messages from the layers.

Because Vulkan is so explicit about every operation and the validation layers
are so extensive, it can actually be a lot easier to find out why your screen is
black compared to OpenGL and Direct3D!

There’s only one more step before we’ll start writing code and that’s setting
up the development environment.

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  • Next

В чем суть

Это приложение представляет собой сложный и функциональный инструмент для программирования. Основная сфера его применения – создание двухмерной и трехмерной графики на компьютере.

Старое название этого приложения glNext.

Появился этот софт в 2015 году. С того времени он регулярно претерпевал изменения, доработки и усовершенствовался.

В настоящее время заявляется, что Вулкан – это современная и функциональная альтернатива DirectX 12.

Но в отличие от DirectX, этот софт запускается на самых разных операционных системах, тогда как его аналог – лишь на Виндовс 10.

Этот софт вы можете использовать на Виндовс 7, 8, 8.1, 10, а также операционных системах от других производителей.

Обычно, пользователи обнаруживают его на своем устройстве совершенно случайно, просто замечая его в списке. Откуда же он там берется?

Он устанавливается туда при обновлении или изначальной установке драйверов видеокарт Nvidia (другие производители пока остаются не заинтересованными в распространении данного обеспечения).


This tutorial will teach you the basics of using the Vulkan
graphics and compute API. Vulkan is a new API by the Khronos group
(known for OpenGL) that provides a much better abstraction of modern graphics
cards. This new interface allows you to better describe what your application
intends to do, which can lead to better performance and less surprising driver
behavior compared to existing APIs like OpenGL
and Direct3D. The ideas behind Vulkan
are similar to those of
and Metal, but Vulkan has the
advantage of being fully cross-platform and allows you to develop for Windows,
Linux and Android at the same time.

However, the price you pay for these benefits is that you have to work with a
significantly more verbose API. Every detail related to the graphics API needs
to be set up from scratch by your application, including initial frame buffer
creation and memory management for objects like buffers and texture images. The
graphics driver will do a lot less hand holding, which means that you will have
to do more work in your application to ensure correct behavior.

The takeaway message here is that Vulkan is not for everyone. It is targeted at
programmers who are enthusiastic about high performance computer graphics, and
are willing to put some work in. If you are more interested in game development,
rather than computer graphics, then you may wish to stick to OpenGL or Direct3D,
which will not be deprecated in favor of Vulkan anytime soon. Another
alternative is to use an engine like
or Unity, which will be
able to use Vulkan while exposing a much higher level API to you.

With that out of the way, let’s cover some prerequisites for following this

  • A graphics card and driver compatible with Vulkan (NVIDIA, AMD, Intel)
  • Experience with C++ (familiarity with RAII, initializer lists)
  • A compiler with decent support of C++17 features (Visual Studio 2017+, GCC 7+, Or Clang 5+)
  • Some existing experience with 3D computer graphics

This tutorial will not assume knowledge of OpenGL or Direct3D concepts, but it
does require you to know the basics of 3D computer graphics. It will not explain
the math behind perspective projection, for example. See this online book
for a great introduction of computer graphics concepts. Some other great computer graphics resources are:

  • Ray tracing in one weekend
  • Physically Based Rendering book
  • Vulkan being used in a real engine in the open-source Quake and DOOM 3

You can use C instead of C++ if you want, but you will have to use a different
linear algebra library and you will be on your own in terms of code structuring.
We will use C++ features like classes and RAII to organize logic and resource
lifetimes. There is also an alternative version of this tutorial available for Rust developers.

To make it easier to follow along for developers using other programming languages, and to get some experience with the base API we’ll be using the original C API to work with Vulkan. If you are using C++, however, you may prefer using the newer Vulkan-Hpp bindings that abstract some of the dirty work and help prevent certain classes of errors.

VulkanRT should be removed if it is malware in disguise

If you saw the program on your machine which is operating normally without stuttering or freezing – ignore it and continue normal operation if the PC.

However, if your computer is experiencing trouble, make sure you scan your machine with security software and remove VulkanRT virus immediately. Be aware that malware can block the operation of security software. Thus, we recommend booting your computer in Safe Mode with Networking as explained below. 

Security researchers do not recommend manual VulcanRT removal. Trojan horses are complicated and extremely hard to eliminate (they modify a bunch of settings on the system which are quite difficult to detect, especially for regular computer users). 


do it now!

DownloadReimage (remover)


DownloadReimage (remover)


Compatible with Microsoft Windows Supported versions

Compatible with OS X Supported versions

What to do if failed?
If you failed to remove virus damage using Reimage, submit a question to our support team and provide as much details as possible.

Reimage is recommended to remove virus damage. Free scanner allows you to check whether your PC is infected or not. If you need to remove malware, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage malware removal tool.


В некоторых случаях необходимо удалить ее, например, когда нужно освободить место в памяти компьютера.

Делать этого не рекомендуется, так как она официальная, удобная и функциональная.

Но если такая необходимость все-таки возникла, действуйте следующим образом:

1Зайдите в Панель управления;

2Найдите раздел Установка и удаление и перейдите на него;


3Дождитесь окончания построения списка;

4Найдите в списке, где приложения расположены по алфавиту, необходимую утилиту и кликните по ней левой клавишей;

5Рядом с названием появится кнопка Удалить – нажмите на нее;

6Дождитесь окончания удаления.

После этого вы можете перезагрузить компьютер. Она будет полностью удалена.

Таким образом, так как программа полностью официальная, удалить ее можно самым простым способом. Работы с регистром или командной строкой не требуется.

Tutorial structure

We’ll start with an overview of how Vulkan works and the work we’ll have to do
to get the first triangle on the screen. The purpose of all the smaller steps
will make more sense after you’ve understood their basic role in the whole
picture. Next, we’ll set up the development environment with the Vulkan SDK,
the GLM library for linear algebra operations and
GLFW for window creation. The tutorial will cover how
to set these up on Windows with Visual Studio, and on Ubuntu Linux with GCC.

After that we’ll implement all of the basic components of a Vulkan program that
are necessary to render your first triangle. Each chapter will follow roughly
the following structure:

  • Introduce a new concept and its purpose
  • Use all of the relevant API calls to integrate it into your program
  • Abstract parts of it into helper functions

Although each chapter is written as a follow-up on the previous one, it is also
possible to read the chapters as standalone articles introducing a certain
Vulkan feature. That means that the site is also useful as a reference. All of
the Vulkan functions and types are linked to the specification, so you can click
them to learn more. Vulkan is a very new API, so there may be some shortcomings
in the specification itself. You are encouraged to submit feedback to
this Khronos repository.

As mentioned before, the Vulkan API has a rather verbose API with many
parameters to give you maximum control over the graphics hardware. This causes
basic operations like creating a texture to take a lot of steps that have to be
repeated every time. Therefore we’ll be creating our own collection of helper
functions throughout the tutorial.

Every chapter will also conclude with a link to the full code listing up to that
point. You can refer to it if you have any doubts about the structure of the
code, or if you’re dealing with a bug and want to compare. All of the code files
have been tested on graphics cards from multiple vendors to verify correctness.
Each chapter also has a comment section at the end where you can ask any
questions that are relevant to the specific subject matter. Please specify your
platform, driver version, source code, expected behavior and actual behavior to
help us help you.

This tutorial is intended to be a community effort. Vulkan is still a very new
API and best practices have not really been established yet. If you have any
type of feedback on the tutorial and site itself, then please don’t hesitate to
submit an issue or pull request to the GitHub repository.
You can watch the repository to be notified of updates to the tutorial.

After you’ve gone through the ritual of drawing your very first Vulkan powered
triangle onscreen, we’ll start expanding the program to include linear
transformations, textures and 3D models.

If you’ve played with graphics APIs before, then you’ll know that there can be a
lot of steps until the first geometry shows up on the screen. There are many of
these initial steps in Vulkan, but you’ll see that each of the individual steps
is easy to understand and does not feel redundant. It’s also important to keep
in mind that once you have that boring looking triangle, drawing fully textured
3D models does not take that much extra work, and each step beyond that point is
much more rewarding.

If you encounter any problems while following the tutorial, then first check the
FAQ to see if your problem and its solution is already listed there. If you are
still stuck after that, then feel free to ask for help in the comment section of
the closest related chapter.

Ready to dive into the future of high performance graphics APIs? Let’s go!

VulkanRT a 3D graphics API software that is mistaken for malware

VulkanRT is a 3D graphics API (Application Programming Interface) created by Khronos Group. It is a successor to OpenGL and works similarly to DirectX. Most of Windows users can notice the program installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\VulkanRT. The main purpose of the app is to utilize CPU and GPU capabilities and give more control to users. It typically gets installed with other programs (especially video games) or drivers, and it might seem like the application appeared out of nowhere.

  Legitimate Malicious
Name VulkanRT VulkanRT/VulcanRT
Type Graphics API Malware
Danger level No hazard Extremely dangerous
Main dangers N/A Can compromise PC’s security and personal data safety
Distribution Graphic drivers updates, other programs, official websites Spam emails, malicious sites, weak passwords, etc.
Symptoms N/A Slow PC performance, stuttering or crashing, frequent error messages, etc. 
Elimination N/A Download and install Reimage or SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner

Vulkan Runtime Libraries allows effective multi-threading in the CPU, as well as helps the video card to render graphics more efficiently, resulting in better and faster overall performance. It is also compatible with multiple OS systems, including Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, etc. 

Due to its mysterious appearance on the machine, many users mistakenly take it for the VulkanRT virus. Therefore, multiple questions arise on the internet, whether it is a malicious app. The answer is – most likely no. If it is genuine (i. e. installed by legitimate graphics card manufacturers or similar), this API is extremely useful, especially for those using graphics-intensive tasks, such as computer gaming or HD video editing. Therefore, there is no need to remove VulkanRT.

In some cases, certain games even require the Vulkan Runtime Libraries to be playable – thus, it can be installed together with games. If you bought a new graphics card, it is highly likely that GPU drivers will include VulkanRT as well. Nevertheless, AMD or Nvidia drivers are the most likely cause of the app’s appearance on your PC.

Some users call this application VulcanRT. There are two reasons for it: either they misspell the name or a virus using a similar name is injected into their device. Therefore, if you found an application on your computer that is called VulcanRT or vulcanrt.exe running in your task manager, perform a full system scan using reputable anti-malware software. There is a high chance that the file is malicious and is trying to hide under a legitimate-looking name.

Unfortunately, some malware can mimic legitimate files, duplicate or even replace them. Therefore, there is still a chance that Vulkan Runtime Libraries might be a virus. Check if your machine is showing the following signs and symptoms:

  • Computer software randomly crashes or freezes;
  • PC crashes or freezes;
  • Frequent BSODs;
  • Slow overall performance;
  • High CPU/GPU usage, even when the machine is not heavily used;
  • Error messages pop out of nowhere;
  • The Increased amount of advertisement;
  • The install directory is not C:\Program Files (x86)

In case it is malware, some or none of these symptoms might occur. The problem is that viruses like trojan horses might sit silently for months before its presence is detected, as they barely emit any signs. Therefore, we highly recommend scanning your machine with Reimage or SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner from time to time. If security software detects malware, you would have to perform VulkanRT removal ASAP.

If you mistakenly uninstalled the program, you can redownload it from official websites, such as Nvidia one. There are also many suspicious sites that offer it. However, we advise users to stay away from them, as downloaded software might be malicious, or money may be asked for it, while it is actually free software.

VulkanRT is categorized as a browser hijacker which can deliver potentially dangerous ads during browsing sessions.

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